
No kidding. It seems most guys who do this have no eye for art. It's like on dating websites. Why do they pick such crappy pictures of themselves? That also reminds me of this guy whose OKCupid user name was something like Accountant33, i.e. a really boring fact (it was much worse than accountant, it was some physical

I plan to make one. Of course, I also plan to have a courthouse wedding, so I don't think it'll be too stressful.

I know. My hair is wavy! If I make it straight, it won't stay. If I make it curly, it won't stay. I guess I wouldn't be in that sorority. Mostly because I'm not skinny, but the hair too.

This was going to be my reply! Great faces think alike!

This article was quoted on my local radio show today! Nice work, Anna!

I know, I was wondering where they're from. Oh, it says Great Lakes region. Huh.

I'm not! :'-(

I am dying to try this with someone. Dying. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone. Maybe I'll tell my therapist about it. I know she'd like it.

I'm now wondering if answering the questions now would thwart any effort I made in the future since I already knew the questions and had thought about them. Not sure. I might look at them anyway.

I liked that thought too. So much of dating seems extremely random and I like the idea of gaining a bit more control over it, however psychological it may be.

Great idea. I wonder if there's not already a dating site that uses it exclusively.

How do I subscribe to this thread?

I agree. It's almost unbearable as it is.

I only have Hulu and Netflix too (and Amazon Prime). I have to say, though, the Hulu commercials are fucking ridonculous. I've seen the trailer for "Spare Parts" approximately 1,200,000 times and I hope never to see any one of those actors ever again. If they even introduced one more commercial it would be better. But

Thanks so much for this tip! I am going to buy a couple of O'Reilly books.

Thanks so much for this tip! I am going to buy a couple of O'Reilly books.

It looks like the phase all kids go through where they don't know how to smile for pictures.

I wonder if they don't really understand killing and just sort of wanted to see what happened. That's sort of what your dad's story sounds like.

Oh god, my sister did a similar thing while playing mini-golf, except she swung it back into MY face.

Ahahaha! "A single grape!"

I did the stapler thing too! IIRC, I didn't tell anyone because I was embarrassed.