
I have never even really thought about how I am constantly aware of anyone who is or could be looking at me. But it's absolutely true. Walk past a guy, "He is thinking I'm ugly." Walk past a girl, "She is thinking I'm ugly." What a fascinating thing to think about. And another neurosis to have.

For 5 years, my ex-gf worked with me (notice I said WITH ME and not "for me".

I didn't think so either, and used to get annoyed at the word "emoji" because I liked "emoticon" better. Hopefully I won't get so annoyed now.

Glad you got it!

I loved the green skirt on the site and would have had to buy it, but it's sold out. I guess that's $88 I saved!

One time when I was a child I saw powder laundry detergent and tasted it. I thought it was some sort of cool sugar. It was not! It was under the sink in the kitchen, which really should've been a clue not to eat it, but I guess I wasn't old enough to know that.

This is the only one I will use. I love how it is very sturdy. I also love the colors it comes in. I have a hot pink one.

This is the only one I will use. I love how it is very sturdy. I also love the colors it comes in. I have a hot pink

My dad works at a call center for a cable company, and he's the nicest person I've ever known, but just the other day some lady said to him, "I hate you!" WTF is wrong with people?

That is SO SWEET.

We had one on our Christmas tree one year, and my sister, who is known for her boisterous laughter, kept turning it off and on by laughing. :D

A while ago when my sister was 4 or 5, she decided she wanted to give everyone Christmas presents. When present opening time came, I unwrapped mine and saw a clay bird that I think my other sister had made. It turns out that the littlest sister had just gone around the house and found things she thought might be nice

"He declined, even though he really needed a new phone." LOL!

Oh my god! That sweater story. I'm similarly really insecure about presents and would much rather not get or give any. It's stressful having to give the "correct" response to everything.

This actually made me tear up.

That's funny, because I was just thinking about this particular proclivity. There's a new guy at work whose forearms I noticed today and I couldn't look away.

Kerry Washington knew them?!

They have kind of a lot of restrictions that I never knew about. After I became diabetic, I was no longer able to give blood. I can't donate any organs, either. It's kind of sad. I wonder if I could donate organs after I die.

Lazaretto is a fucking incredible song. Also glad to see Sia.

He was great! Thanks for the tip about the Netflix special!

I'll tell you one thing: I've become hyper-aware to all the times Koenig says "like" and "I feel like" during conversations. :-| I was surprised to find out she wasn't really young. Her voice sounds young as well. Also, she says "Adnan" 50 different ways. But then again, I probably say my own name differently