
It seems to me mice can be shipped too, for science purposes.

I always say "Excuse me!" to my cat when he's being annoying. Now that I think about it, it's kind of funny.

I imagine it isn't discussed a lot because people with NPD don't feel they have a disorder, so they don't see a psychologist or psychiatrist. My therapist told me that if she ever sees a narcissist for a session (rarely), they almost never come back again, and if they do, it's no more than like 2 more sessions.

I was

Everyone I voted for won, all Democrats (Twin Cities suburb). It was a little bright spot in a day of sorrow.

The same thing happened to me in 2010 (well, not exactly the same). I moved the day before the election. I went to my old polling place and they turned me away. Luckily, we have registration at the polls, but I didn't know what I could possibly use as proof of address (I guess I could've used my lease). But I was too

I agree. It actually changed my mind about this whole deal.

Geez, I didn't even know they had that now. Well, I guess, that's mostly the amblyopia in my case. I just don't see out of both eyes. If I concentrate I can sometimes see double, and then move them as close together as possible. I do that because I feel like it makes my eyes both look at a person when they're talking

I had a bunch of events a couple days after my surgery for some reason, and felt so bad for people who had to look at my bruised face.

I sort of thought it would be ok since it wasn't about surgery anymore, but maybe not!

Hey, fellow eye sufferer! I had mine when I was 25 so I don't even know if there was a chance for me.

After reading everyone's comments, I'm starting to wonder if something's wrong with me because I didn't have any reaction to any of them. I was mildly wide-eyed at yesterday's desert ghost, but I had no other reaction. I think I've been desensitized to scary stuff. I watch horror movies to help me sleep, for Pete's

I had toe surgery 7 years ago. It wasn't on my actual toeballs, but for the muscles beside them (I have strabismus and amblyopia). They cut the muscles, stretch them out, and reattach them. Theoretically the eyes wouldn't pull apart anymore. I don't know how much lasting good it did. They were ok for a while, but now

Hideo Nakata's Kaidan is excellent as well.

"The greatest leaders is Mom's." Cool, we is so impressing.

Jesus Christ, reddit sounds like a hellhole more and more each time I hear about it. Thank goodness I don't go on there.

I loved that too, so much. It was done really well.


Yeah, that occurred to me too. I was trying to think of how that could've come about. I have no idea.

My body image is reaching an all-time low lately. Thanks to TV and movies, subconsciously I learn daily to hate myself. Then this crap comes along, verifying that I am/we are just a punch line. It's disgusting. Not even just Wal-mart, but the person who specifically did that. He/she (probably he) is deplorable. The

I'm really happy that Google's ads corrected the term.