Thanks for that!
Thanks for that!
I recently did a bunch of reading on this and was appalled at how much I didn't wear sunscreen. I do tend to stay out of the sun because I don't like it, though, so maybe that saved it a bit. But now I wear sunscreen every day and touch it up if needed with translucent SPF powder. Starting at age 32 is better than…
What do you all know about hydroquinone? I have read that it's good to use very sparingly for about 6 months and that it changes your DNA somehow. Is that right? Is it worth using?
I was thinking the same thing. It seems like comments are primarily of the "he's ugly" ilk, which is just demonstrating the same problem. I think we should focus more on the fact that he said any of this at all.
Do Knight got the ladies? Yeah, yeah!
That Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston thing made me LOL. I can just imagine some writer sitting there trying to think of celebrity exes. "I've got it!", not even having the slightest understanding of anything.
Jesus, I guess I posted the wrong comment today. Like I said on the other comment, I'm not advocating being nonchalant towards or ignoring a baby. I'm just saying if a baby is crying at night for no other reason than it just doesn't want to sleep, and the parent goes in every time on the assumption that something is…
Obviously I'm not saying to ignore a baby because it annoys you. In this case, they were just crying every night for the hell of it. Because they didn't feel like going to sleep and they wanted to stay up later.
Reminds me of some advice I heard from the renowned child care giver Supernanny - when kids cry at night and you go comfort them, they are getting exactly what they want so they keep doing it. If you don't comfort them for like 2 times, they stop. It's amazing to see.
Please don't say a food will give you diabetes. I implore you. It's a destructive attitude that is way too common in our culture and I have vowed in my life to call out everyone who does it. Thanks.
The praise for lost weight is just as harmful sometimes. Last Christmas my sister lost some weight unhealthily and she got so much attention and praise from my mom's family. I had a sort-of breakdown because nobody was saying that I looked pretty. It sounds really pathetic, and it sort of is, but it just felt like…
In my mom's case, it was/is very obviously self-hatred. She would say things about herself that somehow morphed in my mind to be about me. I think that happened because she also said similar stuff to me, so I couldn't tell which statement was just about her after a while. Kids also learn behavior by watching their…
Ahhh, thank you for saying what that meant!
This is awesome. But why does homecoming court exist? I don't know if it was just my school or what, but it's literally just a popularity contest. Student council was, too, but I'm pretty sure that was just my school.
When I was learning Icelandic, there was a unit on the police, and I seem to remember it talked about how cool they are. I swear there was talk of animals and skateboarding. I might have invented that memory, but I do know there was a unit on the police, if nothing else.
50 pound lifting seems like a normal requirement for other jobs, like working at Target. I remember when I worked there and that was a requirement. Anyway, it seems like quite a few women would have no problem with it. After all, we have the physical build to carry babies around. Some of them grow to be 50 pounds or…
It's "bona fide", dude.
"Wanna get laid?" and "Barely pubescent" in the same paragraph. I feel like "He should get arrested?" for "Being a pedophile".
Not to mention, think of the gigantic amount of things happening in our bodies at one time, without us doing anything, and they do it mostly silently. I guess that's not really an appearance issue, though.