Ensign Ruh Ro

Not only does South Africa have gay marriage, it was also the first (and only) country in the world to have written protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation into its constitution. Another thing to love about the rainbow nation.

A bit more refined than when W took on some West African music.

Sitting through that abomination was not worth the brief time it afforded with shirtless Alexander Skarsgård (his character was named Stone Hopper which should give you an idea of the quality of this movie’s writing). The friend who dragged me to it apologized after the movie finished.

I will take the glamorous mechanic look over the one-swift-breeze-and-everyone-sees-my-pubes any day.

All of those pantsuits

Amandla, usisi wami, ngiyakuthanda.

No rugby players? Israel Folau disapproves.

I would pay good money to watch a Clive Owen movie where Charlie the Cat was his stunt double. I would need that in IMAX in 3D

Those abs! Those soulful eyes! How Elizabeth turned Ross down for his snooze-fest of a cousin is beyond me.

Hey! Friendly commenter working on an MPH here. Unprotected vaginal intercourse is actually the #1 route of HIV transmission worldwide. The risk of Seroconversion for a man having sex with a HIV+ woman in a high income is about 1 in 2500 instances of exposure. That becomes 1 in 263 for low income countries.

Looking at those dude’s tattoos, I feel like at least half of them could easily be Amanda Bynes. No need to laser them off, just tell everyone that “She’s The Man” really spoke to you.

Madam, the Australian guy you are referring to is named Muldoon, and he is in fact Kenyan.

Re: 8) Ughhh Dorne could have been so cool. Beautiful sets and costumes! So much smoky eye! But Jesus, such bad acting and fight scene choreography. A plot that makes no damn sense and doesn't fit in with the rest of the show.

I think there's an interview somewhere where she says she lost her accent on purpose because people thought she sounded weird. Shame.

I feel like it was a well done episode. They set up that Randall was sadistic, had an unhealthy obsession with Jamie, and that Jamie would do anything to keep Claire safe. So I can see where this situation, where Randall does something absolutely monstrous to break Jamie, would come about.

Yeah, but you can only use a pie (weed leaf?) chart when you are presenting/comparing percentages of the same whole. So you should never have a pie chart that adds up to something other than 100%.

Due West?

Ughhhh I keep getting rejected from jobs. I’ve only been looking in earnest for a month, so I know it hasn’t been that long, but it’s still pretty frustrating. I feel like I have pretty good experience though, so I should at least have gotten an interview by now. Anyone have any job hunting advice?

This TNG thread within a thread is easily my favorite thing happening on the Internet right now.