Ensign Ruh Ro

Well done, Malia! Now you know your worth as a person. I was a PCV in South Africa, and I was told by one of my friends that my family could only get four cows for my lobola because I didn’t know how to cook :(

For books, try Lauren Beukes. I’m reading “The Shining Girls” right now, and it's weird but good.

When he's tying stuff down to the top of a car, does a fancy knot and then firmly yanks on the rope to make sure it's secure.

Thanks for the advice, I'll give them a look!

I need help and I don’t know who to turn to! So I’ve just started to going back to yoga, and I have two pairs of 3/4 yoga pants. However, I feel like my pants fall and my thong always pops out of both of them whenever I go to yoga. If I go a bigger pant size, I kinda get camel toe.

I mean... If you’re into looking beautiful and flawless all the time. Whatever, I’m wearing purple sweatpants right now, so I guess I get it.

So my mom still uses AOL, despite being shown how to use Firefox atleast five times. She logged in once and her little AIM side bar thing didn’t come up for whatever reason, she got really confused and yelled “Where am I!?” at the computer.

Biostatistics II. I was 1000% sure I failed the final, and I cried in my friends bathroom during a party over it.

I’m pretty sure I can out-efficient a dishwasher. I was in the Peace Corps and learned to use as little water as possible to wash dishes because I would have to go fetch it in a bucket from the yard. Or, as often was the case, the taps would be dry and I would have to use rain water that I got from a barrel using a

Ugh, I’m sorry. Grad school can be the absolute worst. It always helps me to make an outline first for structure, and then start filling in sentences from there. And using a good referencing program can help make writing a bit less of a chore. Try Mendeley!

Hey guys! It’s been a weird week for me, but I just wanted to share this inspiring video with you guys. It’s from a women’s sevens rugby game, and it’s amazing.

Truth. Also, it is traditionally a boy’s name in SA. So double awesome on her parents.

The only thing this website taught me is that I really need to up my skin care game. :(

We specialize in making people feel very uncomfortable.

I got an IUD close to a month ago and insertion was not fabulous because, as my OBGYN a put it, I have a tiny cervix. However, despite the breakthrough bleeding, not having to remember to take a pill everyday has been wonderful. I will take having a person touch the back wall of my uterus for that.

You can smell the sweat and the salt and the hay and the sea on his skin right through your screen.

I’m stealing this from Deadspin, but I think I recognize that turtle...

Three years ago? I was a volunteer in a small village and woke up one night with terrible stomach cramps. I blame sketchy water and a large amount of mixed nuts and peanut butter I got on sale and ate all day. I woke up, thought I had to fart, but of course not. I couldn’t make it to the pit latrine (too far away and