As per the Apostolic Christian Church website:
As per the Apostolic Christian Church website:
“Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman, wrote that forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield, or forcing a person against capital punishment to carry out an execution.”
I feel as though the name of this game is not grammatically correct. You don’t go “to” the Rapture. It just kind of happens and all the annoying Christian people go away. And if everyone goes then what was the point of being an annoying Christian in the first place? I mean, I know it’s pointless but perhaps someone…
Maybe black people should stop looking for a white person to save them and save their Goddamned selves? It’s going to take more than a hash-tag. You’re actually going to have to make a large-scale, coordinated effort. But maybe that sounds too much like hard work?
What part of 2011 came before 2015 was so difficult for Vimeo to comprehend?
Not to mention the impending cockpocolypse. But at least I’ll go out with a bang. Of sorts.
Hmm? Maybe it’s that too often they encounter women who use the prospect of sex to manipulate men to get what they want and then scream “sexual discrimination!” when it doesn’t work? But that’s just a guess. And obviously if a man doesn’t like you it’s because he’s a homosexual. Becausee it couldn’t possibly be that…
The kids probably wondered why the janitorial staff were in their rooms and why they were supposed to be excited about that.
The US rarely extradites any of its citizen no matter what they’ve done.
I hope someone skins and beheads this no doubt tubby fuck. No seriously, I hope he dies. Soon. And preferably horribly. Obviously if we’re shooting for an analogous outcome his wife would need to be raped and his children mauled to death. I’m not saying anyone should do that, I’m just saying I’m okay with it if they…
I think “the little things” are merely a symptom of having realized that you loath the person you’re with. If you actually still liked them you probably wouldn’t notice and/or care about “the little things”.
Regradless, the most important question is: did she even know that that was an option? Is she didn’t then the state and the university are partly to blame for this event.
Those whose behavior doesn’t seem to be affected much by alcohol are known as Hemingways.
So why didn’t she just award full custody to the father? If the mother is a lunatic that would seem to be the first, and most logical, course of action.
Apparently $135,000 wasn’t enough to teach them a lesson. From their website:
Any bigot with half a brain (there must be some of those out there somewhere) would simply have asked when the wedding was when they realized that it was a same-sex wedding and then said “Sorry, we’re already fully booked”. But they didn’t do that because their black, withered little “Christian” hearts just couldn’t…
I beleieve that the stnard rate for taking on a case like this is a third of the damages the plaintiff is awarded.
I would imagine that the plaintiffs have spend a considerable amount of money bringing this case against the defendants. And damages aren’t always just for actual damage caused; there is often a punative element to them in order to deter other people from doing the same thing to someone else.
So basically idiots and Scientologists. Or idiots who are also Scientologists. Erin Brockovich doesn’t really count since she’s not anti-vaccination per se; she’s pro-choice when it comes to vaccination. That’s not ideal in my opinion but it’s also not an unreasonable position to hold especially when you know the shit…
“Guided by my faith, I believe in traditional marriage. I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision. I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views…