
I loathe “brides”. They are demented monsters who’s lives boil down to a couple of hours on one Saturday afternoon and who think that the seven billion people of Earth must bend to their bridal will. Fuck you, “brides”.

It’s because they think that given the choice people will choose same-sex marriage over “traditional” marriage. Because they’re a self-loathing gay trapped in a “traditional” marriage and they just really, really, really want some cock and they just assume that everyone else is the same.

Somewhat concerned that no media outlet thought of this. Or maybe they did but the budget just wouldn’t stretch to $49.

You’ve confused hot chick with hot mess.

Lesbians: the reason we can’t have nice things.

Well it does take “courage” to participate in the illegal invasion of another country and murder it’s citizens. So yeah. Fuck that guy.

I’m frightened to ask what a “Help Meet” is. I know that whatever it is it will make me angry.

Can you imagine the state of her downstairs? She must be completely wrecked. How does a fetus even manage to stay in her for 9 months without just falling out?

This photo makes me both angry and sad.

He said the fact that it was a one-time incident influenced his decision not to report it.

I think the Jort should be the new international currency standard.

I am in the habit of microwaving any CD or DVD that I throw away before doing so. About 4-5 seconds is enough to render it completely unreadable. You’ll know when it crackles and sparks start flying around inside the microwave than your disc is well-and-truly done. It will come out looking something like this:

When you’re fondling the genital region of a five year old it isn’t “playing doctors”. It’s molestation and it’s revolting. The fact that the far-right wing insists upon supporting a child molester and his, at very best, grossly negligent parents while simultaneously screaming that same-sex marriage will bring about

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.

Seek professional help.

Does Loeb actually have the legal right to take Vergara’s fertilized eggs and implant them in a surrogate without her permission? The answer isn’t simple.

Liberals just can’t help but shit all over themselves. Quick, pick each other to pieces before someone else can. QUICKLY!!!!

Mary is working as a legal assistant but hopes she can return to teaching.

I may never get to the bottom of the enigma that is Megyn Kelly, but dammit if she doesn’t make me want to watch.

...which is the official handshake of MRA’s around the globe...