Far be it from me to defend a Kardashinan fame-whore but that’s not black-face.
Far be it from me to defend a Kardashinan fame-whore but that’s not black-face.
Pro Wrestling is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen. And I’m gay.
I'm thankful that I'm a gay man and don't have to regularly engage with this kind of bullshit. Get a fucking hobby. You are so tiresome. I honestly don't know how heterosexual men put with you.
Have you ever tried to shove a multivitamin down a baby's throat? If you have please tell us how that worked out.
Nay. Cats have to eat meat because they are unable to produce the essential fatty acid taurine (yes, the stuff that's in Red Bull*). So you can feed your dog and/or your baby a vegan diet. But don't expect them to be particularly healthy.
I've used it and it is pretty good. Especially the pomegranate one. The honey one? Not so much. Unless you like eating candles in which case you'll love it.
I've used it and it is pretty good. Especially the pomegranate one. The honey one? Not so much. Unless you like…
No, it wouldn't.
For people not familiar with Japan it is a blatantly racist culture. It also has an incredibly small population (relative to other nations) of people who are not ethnically Japanese. Even Koreans aren't good enough for them. And you can forget about trying to get them to admit that they committed atrocious war crimes…
Dr Phil is a parasite. Send in the exterminators.
He's always been a douche. He's one of two reasons (the other being James May) that I can't stand to watch Top Gear. They're just such tools.
"killed it" is an understatement. She just keeps getting better and better.
I still don't get the whole nipple thing. Why is it okay for men but okay for women? What's the difference? And breasts are specifically evolved to provide nourishment to babies. So why is it not okay? Do Republicans not like babies? Because they sure do talk about how important babies are a lot. Though I suppose that…
"It's not me, it's you."
"Me, too," added co-presenter JD Heyman, proving, among other things, that he doesn't have a complete grasp on how words (or race) work.
I'd murder the fuck out of Abraham. That cunt has caused unimaginable horrors.
He lives in the Republic of Ireland. Which is basically Catholic-land. So of course it was difficult. But he did it anyway. That's more or less the definition of courage, regardless of his reasons for doing it.
The fetishisation of gay men is also fairly prominent in the Ball Jointed Doll community. But to be fair it is only one example of the many fucked up things that take place in that community. It's not fucked up to the degree that "reborn" babies (hyper-realistic dolls of babies that people pretend are real. It's…
I completely cut-off contact with my parents 14 years ago. It remains the best thing I have ever done. Of course they were and are clueless as to the reasons, but then they have always been clueless. And it's their cluelessness that was and is at the root of why I chose to terminate my relationship with them. This…