
Why does this article exist?

So what's the deal with screaming babies? Do they go with the mother to the back of the bus, sorry plane? Because if they do I'm kind of okay with this.

I wonder how pissed off he'll be when he finds out she was lying?

I have a degree in psychology. What have you got? An opinion based more in ideology than psychology. And what's that worth? Fuck all is what that's worth. Whoever told you that you were entitled to an opinion was as woefully misinformed as you are.

DSM-V: 302.85

You appear to have an issue with men whom you can't sexually manipulate. While that's completely unsurprising you should probably have that looked at by a professional.

He was her son. Gender dysphoria is a psychiatric disorder. Stop enabling it and do something constructive to help the people who suffer from the disorder.

Putin's posturing is really starting to get on my tit.


Why are there two? I only have one penis. Do you get a second penis if you join Scientology?

Emails? She can't even form a sentence correctly. Or even remotely correctly. It's like she's on some stream-of-consciousness haiku acid-trip.

The difference is that while over-engineering a building or bridge increases their construction costs it doesn't incur an increase in running costs. Over-engineering a plane however increases its construction cost and its running cost. The heavier the plane is the more fuel it burns.

Hillary Clinton has bigger balls than most men.

I guess they were all wearing invisibility cloaks the whole time. Which sounds a lot like being in the closet, but whatever.

Oh, fuck off to Africa then. You don't want to because there isn't a single nation in Africa that isn't a shit hole? Then suck it the fuck up and be a little God damned grateful.

"I don't know why I bought this."

I adore Justin Timberlake. He seems like such a nice man.

"...other elephants actually help the mother take care of them, which omgwhatwhatwhat."

Oh God, the 9/11 Truthers are going to have a field-day with this:

Kara Brown: I'm white and I have feelings. I have so many feelings. And I'm feeling all those feelings despite my whiteness. Oh feel the feelings with me other white feeling people. FEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL...