
Corruption in political office should be considered the worst crime a person can commit. Worse than rape. Worse than murder. It should carry a mandatory death penalty.

Could you PLEASE stop using the term “queer” to refer to members of the gay, lesbian and bisexual community. Some of us find it HIGHLY offensive. If some wants to refer to themselves as “queer” that’s their business, but how dare you refer to me that way? The term is disgusting. Stop using it. PLEASE.

Charisma? Ted Cruz has the charisma of a used condom.

My parents did that. It makes much more environmental sense, saves time, and is easier for older people to maintain as it requires almost no physical labor. And it didn’t affect the resale value of the house. They actually received with multiple offers and the person who ended up submitting the highest offer wanted it

People do live there actually. They aren’t supposed to but some people who lived in villages in the exclusion zone returned there afterwards and it proved too difficult to keep them out as continuingly removing them would involve government workers having to repeatedly enter the exclusion zone.

When you’re on a different continent from the source of the radiation, yes, it’s an ignorant fear.

Speaking of Hulks...

I think I know exactly how this clusterfuck come about:

This woman looks like she’s being forced to do this tour at gun-point.

“The fetuses are not for sale.”

When Abrams destroyed Vulcan I was like “Okay, I’m done”. I haven’t seen Into Darkness and I probably won’t watch the new TV show. My childhood memories have been raped enough for one lifetime.

Hmm? But what about the lesbians?

So what about inter-sex students with intermediate genitalia? Or students who posses neither XX or XY sex chromosomes (e.g. XXY, XXYY, XYY, XXX). Shall we create separate bathrooms and changerooms for all the myriad of possibilities?

If Anton Scalia hadn’t just died I might have considered sending him some of these. After all, what do you get for an asshole who already has everything? Another asshole of course.

Well he did marry a woman who manages to be both mother and whore at the same time. It’s a kind of talent I guess. It certainly seems to be working out for her anyway. But I give her like twelve months max before she dumps him for someone who isn’t $53 million in debt. And who probably doesn’t make crappy (and

Only now you get worried? The guy’s been a raving lunatic for years.

So basically Shkreli is just making shit up and screaming it into the void now? With all the free time he now has he should probably consider taking up a hobby. Might I suggest macrame? Wait, is that the one where you glue pieces of macaroni to card stock to make pictures of your dog that look like George W. Bush

Even if you are trolling - and I’m not saying you are - you have a valid point. We have no base on the Moon. No colony on Mars. No generational ship travelling to another star system. But we know a little more about how gravity works on the macro-scale. Whoop-di-do. Some applied science would be greatly appreciated

I’m not fully convinced of the whole “dark matter” thing but could it be that the solar masses that were “converted” into gravitational waves were in fact converted into dark matter and that the gravitational waves where the by-product of that conversion? That is to say that the loss of gravitational energy in a

Kanye: No one’s leaving and I’m going to keep playing the game’s trailer until I feel that you’re all sufficiently impressed.