
That isn’t feasible. It is outrageously unlikely that we will never need it again. But in the event of global warfare, we must have a means of drafting our able-bodied to fight. I say this as the daughter of a conscientious objector who fought in court for his right not to go to war (he was the son of pastor, the

I have a hard time believing that an artisanal, locally-sourced, hand-crafted, gluten-free, organic, bean-to-bar chocolate maker would misrepresent their product in this way.

What I love is how quiet the Islam-defenders are on articles like this. It’s almost like their heads are busy up their asses or something.

he won’t, and now the kid looks like a money-grubbing asshat.

This woman is:

It’s from poverbs.

I haven’t worked security in a long time, but the one thing you didn’t do was get involved with what was happening outside your venue.

Particularly getting involved in a he said/she said argument.

I’m truly sorry this lady had a shit night involving some apparent assholes. But sacking people for not being chivalrous

From the NY Times, August 30, 1993:

Delilah can’t wear anything that isn’t hand woven. Her skin is intolerant to all machine woven patterns.

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

I’m glad there’s no video or audio clip or something in this article that shows people who may not have played the game what you’re talking about.

I don't disagree with her message about male nipples vs female ones, but coming from her it just seems like

That cockroach was trying to "Working Girl" me while I was away! Two-way street, Tess.