OK, so he looks like of lean, but he tips the scales at 247.
OK, so he looks like of lean, but he tips the scales at 247.
beats the shit out of sitting in car for hours a day.
Government budget cuts. Back in the day, most mental health facilities were closed to save money. The former occupants quickly became homeless and, since then, people with severe mental health problems often become homeless.
Fire. Fire would be another reason. Would rather not have the train stop on a bridge, but if your car is on fire, you want to stop the train and GTFO out quickly. Stopped train is safer for evacuation than trying to move between cars, especially if the train car is crowded.
Hey! Who allowed you to post on Ashley’s sub?!
whoops. looks like i’m wrong. They were threatened with losing their license back in February, but are still around. Bastards.
see, the real racists are the ones who are too hung up on being PC to say what they’re really thinking, which is calling everyone every slur imaginable.
she’s not a journalist.
We have explosive diarrhea here...with or without pants. Then we send emails about the experience to Drew and hope that he features us in the Funbag!
Hamilton was supposed to come here, but haven’t seen him yet. The writers were all supposed to disperse to Deadspin, Jez, and Giz, but I think I’ve only seen two of them post (Ashley here and Gabrielle Bluestone (I think she was Gawker) over at Jez)
she surpassed weaver long ago.
By gawd that is an ungodly ugly stadium. An eyesore in every sense of the word. Perfect for a city known for its ungodly awful eyesore architecture, I guess. Needs a gaudier name than “Raiders Stadium”, though.
It’s too bad Hunter S Thompson killed himself.
So, she’s...
If Trump wins, and the Republicans hold both Houses, the only way anything gets done is if the cloture rule is killed off.
I have learned, in my life and work as a sportswriter, that big-time Sports and big-time Politics are not so far apart in America. They are both a means to the same end, which is victory... And why not? Victory is good for you, and don’t let anybody tell you different.