
So are Darnold memes this season’s Gruden redshift then?

What really beats me is why  - if everyone knows they’re tanking this season - anyone is going to the games? Why is anyone even watching them on TV? Is there nothing else to do in Miami on a Sunday?

There’s a difference between “knowing better” and “giving a shit”.

I had no idea what Zubaz were, so prompted by the references on here I checked their website.

I imagine that when Drew tried to publish the first article the Microsoft paper clip popped up and asked “I see you’re ripping the Cardinals a new one. Are you sure you don’t want to start with the Browns?”

Been said already, but with all Sean Dyche has done at Burnley he’s probably in that manager’s seat as long as he wants to be. I’d be amazed if his departure (whenever it comes) wasn’t his choice.

This should have been the article where Gruden’s face was replaced by a mushroom cloud.

Full-on Hellboy.

He’s one bad result away from only being visible to infra-red cameras and mantis shrimps.

Wait, wait, wait...


You are *so* missing the point.

Watching out for them to see how Guðmundsson does. Damn good player for us this season.

Group of Dearth, amirite?

And of course it was the Mets on the end of this.

Alternatively, make standing for the anthem compulsory but for EVERYONE in the stadium.

Can’t help thinking this is all my fault.

You bought him, you keep him. No backsies