ennui is boring

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

This. It’s like if a black man wrote an essay about Obama and heavily implied he wasn’t a real black man because he never joined a gang or smoked crack. It’s literally criticizing the man for not embodying stereotypes.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

I’m on Team Mayo, but egg potato salad is better than plain potato salad, and Olivier salad is better than both of them.

Serious answer - chopsticks. You are already grazing like some dumb herbivore, so picking up tiny bites one at a time becomes very pleasant and relaxing with chops. You can stir up your salad like you’ve got tongs. Deftly handles the crouton problem. You have way more control over how much you pick up and it feels

A good corollary to this is, “Do you hate your job, or do you hate your boss and/or immediate coworkers?”

I live in Seattle where we’re one step away from con artists just outright selling your home out from under you. The property prices are so crazy that actual homeowners are hassled multiple times daily by real estate agents (some legit and some very shady) coming to their doors, leaving cards, trying to put signs on

Yeah. I know a lot of people that bought a house because they felt like they ‘should’, because that’s what adults do. It came with a lot of un-anticipated problems that they didn’t really think about.

List does not include “The Wire”.

Bear in mind that most people complaining about the recent episode(s) are not focused on what happened, but HOW it happened. Which is to say, rushed, under-explained, and illogical. I was enormously disappointed in the last episode’s writing, but I happen to also think that most of the same basic things will occur in

But that is the exception, not the rule.   I have a job I’ve done for 19 years, and I have hated every day of it.  Insomnia, depression, near suicidal thoughts. Sucks.  Fix if before it becomes a problem, people.

If that’s wrong, I’m not sure I want to be right. Look, she might get a middling score in “not blowing up historic landmarks”, but she’s clearly the best leader at the loan acquisition that the kingdom needs to stay solvent. Cersei practices smart Keynesian economics. And her “killing most of her advisors” policy has

This. I’m pretty sure this is the only way to suss out a real or fake reviewer.

My mom never thought to baby my vocabulary, and it showed.  My finest moment was when I called another kid a Neanderthal and he asked me what it meant.

I’m gonna open a produce store that’s just for single people. We will sell you half an onion so you don’t have to worry about whether you have another onion recipe in the next three days. We will sell you three green onions and two stalks of celery and ten mushrooms.

I feel this way about rotisserie chicken. I can get a whole, plain, cooked chicken for $4.99, or I can buy a chicken and set aside a few hours to cook it properly.

Oh, and BTW, the woman was shot to death, here. Like, spare me the socio-politico hot-takes for a moment. He shot an innocent woman to death. Period.

This is exactly why I’ve long worried that putting the most vulnerable women and children in the crypts of Winterfell, where they’ll be surrounded by the dead bodies of their loved ones like Ned Stark “to keep them safe,” miiiiight not be the greatest idea ever.

“I was mostly mad that this store doesn’t actually exist.”


Cranberry Sauce
1. Go to store.
2. Purchase a can of Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce.
3. Open can.
4. Shake can until entire gelatinous mass exits can.
5. Cut can-shaped mass into slices. Serve on a fancy non-paper plate if you're going to be all gourmet and shit.