ennui is boring

I am totally with you on this. I mean 2 weeks go the words “fuck Cuomo” came out of my mouth at least once a day, and now he’s like my hero. I really look forward to hating him again after this is all over.

I use creme fraiche for pretty much anything that uses sour cream and is heated, because it doesn’t break, and since making it is so easy it almost seems a shame not to. It makes everything better. Honestly, throw a couple tablespoons into Chunky Sirloin soup and it is heaven.

My office is pretty keen on people not coming in sick and infecting everyone else. I’ve actually been sent home when I came in feeling fine and started getting sick as the day went on. That said, the thing I find scariest is our break room. We provide all the standard pod drinks, cups, etc. And I swear to god, you’ll

I watched this over the weekend.  It made me a bit uncomfortable.  Not what he was saying, specifically (some of it was dead on), but just how honest to god mentally off balance he seems.  Like they haven’t found the right meds, like he’s thisclose to being in a hospital for a good long time.  He’s mostly funny, tells

Vianetta Ice Cream. It’s still available in Asia and Europe, but not in the US.  It is the best stuff in the world.

About a month ago, when this first started making real noise, I started wondering, you know, what if? Where does one buy face masks? Do they work? Anyhow, as of then, they were pretty much either completely sold out everywhere or could be bought through Amazon 3rd party shops at insane prices. AND, since China pretty

I have every single payment I need to make automated, but not credit cards.  I am obsessive about paying them off and pretty much do so weekly.  I used to be a young stupid person who got herself in to an enormous amount of credit card debt.  Now I am a person with zero debt to anyone.  Making the payments every week

So, getting this straight - You’re taking hot food and placing it on top of a cold drink, thus chilling the food and heating the drink. This does not strike me as a thing that makes even a little sense.

I do not understand the appeal of these services.  If I’m spending that much money, I’d like it prepared already.  If I’m in a cooking mood, I’d like to make my own stuff.  And Jesus, the packing waste is insane.  I do know someone who uses one of these services, but it’s more to learn how to cook, which makes total

Have you watched her show?  Has anyone here watched that ridiculous show?  That boring program?  The only reason I can see for its existence is as fodder for making fun of it.  And honestly, the worst part of it is how bloody boring it is.  I mean you take stuff literally built to make you chuckle at its cluelessness,

I don’t think I’ve ever used/seen a recipe where you didn’t crush the tomatoes first.  Could be though.  I’d still crush them first though.

I just use my hands and squish. It’s quick, easy, and one less thing I have to wash.

Don’t you know that today Lucullus dines with Lucullus?

Two different salads. I am the laziest cook on the planet.

Depends on the burger, I guess.  And by “burger” I actually mean “cheeseburger.”  I kinda like mayo on most, or thousand island.  But where ketchup is absolutely necessary is on a bacon blue cheese burger.  Also on the fries, though I will happily use tartar sauce on fries also.  For me, the ultimate burger style is

It is the best herb. Some people have weird palates though and it tastes like soap or something to them. Poor, sad, people.

Yeah Claire, what the doc said.

My go to salad when I’m being super lazy is whatever lettuce with lots of cilantro and parsley, then some diced avocade, maybe a bit of cooked shrimp, dressed in lime juice and some olive oil.

I tried and tried.  Finally bit the bullet and just plowed through.  The book itself was fine, but all the footnotes, not at the bottom of the page, but having to to the back of the book for, over and over again, it was damned annoying.  Impossible to fully immerse yourself into it, you know?  DFW himself is a mixed

I use MSG a lot. I know many people who swear they’re allergic to it, but I do think most of it’s in their head. I’ve had friends telling me the evil of MSG while sprinkling Accent into their stew. And most seem to feel the effects only after eating Chinese food. I don’t know, I grew up in a culture/place where MSG is