This is a bad take and you should feel bad.
This is a bad take and you should feel bad.
I think he did go to rehab right after this special was recorded.
Unless this comes down to Walking Dead style dystopia, a cloth mask will, despite being less effective, be good enough for most of the population outside of health care workers or epidemic level areas (e.g. Wuhan).
A woman I work with tried to buy some on Amazon and while they weren’t price gouging for the masks themselves, shipping was going to be $100. I guess that’s how Marketplace sellers get around Amazon’s pricing rules.
One of the worst symptoms so far is my 401k dropping 10%+ in four days. D=
Note to servers out there: you know how the line cooks always grumble and roll their eyes and bitch you out whenever you put in an order that deviates even a little from the menu, or when someone has a complaint about their food, or even if you have to ask them a question about the food they’re preparing?
The show recognized you as someone who came to laugh and not buy thousands of dollars worth of GOOP and kicked you out.
Okay I hope you wash your hands though.
God I love this lack of introspection I see everywhere, from the rise of Uber, to the gig economy like Deliveroo, to climate change.
Maybe, but she would still have biological advantages that can’t be countered like a larger lung capacity, a larger heart, stronger bone density, and longer arms and legs relative to body size, which testosterone doesn’t effect. I know I’ll probably get reamed for this, but honestly I struggle with how to balance…
If your kids can’t sit reasonably quietly during the length of your dinner, please don’t take them anywhere halfway nice. Don’t ruin everyone else’s restaurant experience.
I was offended at the omission of cilantro from this list, as both the most flavorful and tastiest of all herbs.
Twice in this article you raised the possibility of too much cheese.
Dickens is extremely annoying in that his books are 1) boring and 2) every single tossed-off, paid by the page paragraph is better than the best thing you’ve ever written.
As a precocious kid I’d decided to read Tom Sawyer and then Huckleberry Finn back to back. I mentioned this to my teacher, who then went on to wax rhapsodic about Huckleberry Finn and express her dismay that I vastly preferred Tom Sawyer (I had even reread it after finishing both books). She very solemnly told me that …
I’ll grant you I haven’t read the Scarlet Letter since college, and the college professor who taught it was a Hawthorne scholar, and even she acknowledged that we should skip the first half (“The Customs-House”) - all that aside, it’s a perfectly good book. Its biggest issue is Hawthorne’s syntax, which is very 19th…