ennui is boring

Came to say this same thing. Not sure why this doesn’t get more love. We’ve had it for 6 years and use it 2-3/week without any problems whatsoever.

Came to say this same thing. Not sure why this doesn’t get more love. We’ve had it for 6 years and use it 2-3/week

I wish I could take a picture of my chest freezer. We buy 1/4 to 1/2 a cow per year, there’s deer, bear, chicken, pork, homemade stock, vegetables, berries, etc. Its amazing to have.

i don’t know about your living arrangements but my 8 cubic feet freezer was only 300 bucks at home depot and it’s QUIET.

This is probably a mostly false account. The particulars likely happened (i.e., there was an argument on the plane that continued after the plane landed--he probably lost his temper, raising his voice in frustration/anger and may have even displayed physical dominance), but that it rose to the level of abuse is likely

I think t’s also important to note that

seriously, how are people that bad at math

I don’t know who to root for here. If I were Meghan or Shannon, I wouldn’t really want to interrupt my weekend to go visit some lady I hated. Keep in mind between this season and last season, Vicki has told both of those women that their husbands should/would leave them, with other nasty shit besides (and lying about

I am so excited for the bad reviews though *_*

... you know that even after that he’d just do it again though.

Good stuff. I would also recommend The History of Rome podcast. Just dozens and dozens of 15-30 minute episodes that go from Romulus to the exile of Romulus Augustus. Very good listening as well for a broader story of the empire.

“targeting our technology sector and making them out to be villains, simply because they’re trying to create jobs and [build] our local economy, is just a backwards approach.”


I’m not saying my wife likes wine, but I’m envisioning...

Yeah, yours is just slightly less alcoholic than the example:
80 proof = 40% ABV —> (0.08 * 6 oz) / 0.40 = 1.2 oz
So 1 oz booze and 5 oz other stuff.

But dogs would eat that nasty chicken skin & love it! Instant Pot is amazing, I make awesome chicken/veg soup, refrigerate it overnight, & remove the tiny bit of fat on top- I usually use boneless, skinless thighs.

Now that I feel like I’m the only person in the world that does this.. THANKS CLAIRE.

I just use a nightmarishly sharp vegetable peeler and go as light as I possibly can to remove the outer.. husk? It looks like this. It’s mostly for appearance - it gives it a brighter, cleaner look and takes some of the bitterness