
It’s been a long time since I played it, and it was really maybe the second or third large open-world game I’d ever really played, so there was that as well. From what I remember, I enjoyed it a lot more towards the middle than the end. The quests never really get great, but as I said the story itself kept me very

I’m not playing much these days, too busy with work and other projects. I’m still, ridiculously, grinding through The Binding of Isaac. Well over 500 hours in at this point - I may have a problem, but I still play a game or two most days. I’m trying to finish The Keeper’s achievements - all I have left is defeating

I finished Part I of Broken Age before II came out, and I haven’t had the desire to go back to it yet. I’m sure I will at some point, but, meh...

Wow, I didn’t realize loving Red Dead was unusual. I’ll agree that many of the quests are annoying, and there’s definitely some weirdness when you find objectives you haven’t found the “real” trigger for yet, but the storyline is one of the best I’ve played through, I think. And the scenery is incredible.

Thanks! So... I wrote an earlier version of that in 1999, and I know that the Wilgus book begins with that quotation. I just can’t find it at present. So I’m not technically wrong, but I should specify that it’s quoted. Will make the changes when I get home.

Uh, I’ve been pretty scarce around these parts since the Kinjapocalypse, mostly because I’ve been really, really busy. But I thought I’d engage in a little bit of self-promotion, as I’ve decided to get into the hottest online trend of 2005 and start a blog.

Rule 34, tho.

Didn’t he do like two tours in Afghanistan or something? He’s kinda badass, as I recall.

Biiionic Bionic Six

No, this is a terrible, almost incoherent take.

Heh, I’m kind of impressed you’re still around to be honest. Outrage is getting to be a little much.

Stick of Truth is excellent, the combat system is a little weird but works in its own way, and it really does feel like an episode of the show. I straight up suck at Dungeon of the Endless, which is superb and a great concept, but I have never won despite having thrown dozens of hours into it and doing more or less

To the right, to the right.

Behave by Robert Sapolsky, a nice examination of how and why humans behave as we do, from the perspectives of evolutionary biology, neuroscience, endocrinology, primatology, behavioural psychology, and a few other -ologies. Very good stuff, engaging, funny, and gets at least most of it right.

I vote yea.

Guess I got lucky then. I can confirm that it’s a really, really nice knife, the only better one I’ve ever had is one I inherited from my wife’s ex boyfriend who was a ramen chef. Best relationship decision ever!

Huh, this is a pretty old post but thanks for the information. You seem to know what you’re talking about. That does sound like my knife - I’m Canadian, so the conversion sounds about right.

Don’t lie, you never had the guts to show up to their parties.

Yes, and I don’t know but both she and he made apparently great albums as a result.

“Kendrick Lamar and Chris Stapleton doing great versions of something their artistic forebears already did?”