
American Gangster is... fine.

Nah, Blade Runner and Brazil are both incredible in all their forms. Kingdom of Heaven is definitely better in the director’s cut, but even then it’s just good, maybe even really good.

Kingdom of Heaven is fine, and the director’s cut is better - if you like epics a la Lawrence of Arabia, it’s arguably the best one since, christ, I dunno, when was the last good one? I’ll defend several of his other films as well (Thelma and Louise was at least important at the time). But none of them are great in

Huh, apparently html tags don’t work the same way they did with Disqus. Oh well.

I’m disappointed you thought that <b>Willie the Pimp</b> is the only song with any soul on <i>Hot Rats</i> - seriously, <b>The Gumbo Variations</b> is one of my favourite things ever and is soulful as fuck. Sugarcane Harris tears that shit to pieces, and he’s like Jimi Hendrix on that fucking violin. But then I’d tell

That wasn’t Branagh’s film. Branagh played Hamlet in his version.

I’m not that far off Sean in terms of my tolerance for anime. I recently watched a few episodes of Attack on Titan and it wasn’t terrible? Or, I mean, it kind of was, but at least it was a little interesting.

Your edit gets it.

You may not be wrong (I personally suspect he did shoot the cop). But it is very clear that he was utterly railroaded, the police manufactured evidence, perjured themselves repeatedly, concealed other evidence, and forced witnesses to give invented statements. Dunno really what the right lesson to draw from that is.

1Password. Forget all your passwords. It's all good.

No. Fuck Limp Bizkit. No one who raps worse than me should be allowed to rap.* That's the rule. Everything I've ever heard of theirs (which is to say, the hits and nothing else) is legitimately terrible. Dude thought he could rap with fucking Method Man? Pathetic.

I listened to whatever album it is that Barbie Girl is on, and every song is pretty much identical. Made me want to stab myself in the face.


I think at this point shitting on U-God is just an easy punchline. I think he’s probably done some of the worst verses of anyone in the Clan (that shitty sex one on Forever, for example), but also some of the best (the lead-off to Uzi / Pinky Ring off of Iron Flag is not recognized enough, despite that album having a

Yes. It was, if I remember correctly, the second rap album with a CD-ROM component (the first being Xzibit's first album, and the first non-rap album being something by the Barenaked Ladies, I think?). Every member had their own room with plaques on the wall for anything they'd sold, so obviously U-God and Deck had

I think the case for Dre being a better rapper than BB is getting weaker every year. They're both among the best in the business, but Dre spends more energy focussed on weirdness for its own sake rather than pure skills, which Big has mastered.

That's because like 5 people here know who they are. But yes.

GZA and ODB's verses on that might be the best things either of them ever did. GZA manages to meld the hunger of Liquid Swords with the super chill vibe of… well… all his later records, but it still has an edge to it that nothing he did after could manage. And ODB says "I don't walk I get carried!" which doesn't rhyme

I did a ctrl-F to find the exception. Eh, you can't be perfect. Or at least I can't.

If this is presaging the merged Hulk/Banner from the Peter David run, I might just have to spend the entire movie masturbating.