
Fair enough, I’m a genuine Floyd fan, but I can see how the criticism applies to them. Dunno why I tolerate them more… To be fair, their mid-70’s stuff is my favourite, and their early ultra-weird and late ultra-depressed side isn’t really my thing.

Basically anything by Sugarcane Harris, who I mostly only know via Zappa records. But he might as well be playing guitar, really.

I've always found Cream too… intellectual, I guess? I mean, it's like they're objectively good, brilliant even, but they leave me cold.

Taste is subjective, you have the right to like what you like, etc, but speaking as a genuine fan of 60's rock and solos in general, I have never liked even 10 seconds of that track. I can happily listen to Moby Dick, but that? Ugh.

Rick Wakeman normally makes me want to stab myself in the face, but he somehow manages to keep it under control on that album. Good choice.

This comment terrifies me.

True story: about… oh, the year 2000, I was playing basketball with a couple of (male) friends in the yard of a nearby school one evening. There were a few younger girls (like, 11-13, we would have been early 20's) standing nearby chatting. After a while, it became clear that they were bored out of their skulls and

I feel like this is overstating it. Meat was around, not as much as today, but except for the very poor you'd be eating it every week or so, at the very least (and there were plenty of rich peasants who would be eating it a lot more than that). And they would be eating the cartilage, the sweetbreads, etc. Try getting

In my (somewhat less limited, but still limited) experience, this is mostly a function of the parents. I had friends who were amazed that my 5-year-olds ate curry and fish. But, you know, they ate it because we gave it to them. Not as an adventure, just as what dinner was that night.

But what Anglo-Saxon countries call "mayonnaise" bears essentially no resemblance to that.

I know, right? But try telling that to an editor.

I’d just like to note that your use of a period inside the quotation marks there was entirely sensible and correct.
Seriously, it’s like the people who designed the English language have never heard of scope in programming languages.

To be fair, I think requiring punctuation that isn't being quoted to be placed inside quotation marks is a terrible way to organize a punctuation system. I rebel in my own small way by always leaving them outside when I submit papers, and forcing some poor bastard of a copy editor to "correct" them all.

Preach on, brother/sister.

The A.V. Club
With each passing year, […] bigger, harder and more beautiful to look at.

Yeah, but paired with the next line and in Guru's monotone it's almost transcendent in its glorious stupidity.

I promise I'm not going to reply to whatever you have to say here, because I'm not even remotely interested in having a two-way discussion with you about this. But you know that saying about how if you meet an asshole in the morning, you've met an asshole in the morning, but if you constantly meet assholes all day,

I was disappointed by the lack of ((())), actually.

My defence of Iron Fist is that Danny is supposed to be kind of a moron with a more or less good heart. Which I think is actually true, but it probably doesn't actually make the show any better.

Yes, they did.