
Call me overly non-suspicious, but it feels more to me like kind of poorly-phrased and not terribly well thought-out statements made in conversation that shouldn't really be that controversial, but are being framed as such because being pissy about other people sells.

The apostrophe-s is inaccurate, I feel.

The typo makes this better, for some reason.

The interview they ran with Ron Perlman was a real revelation in that regard.

Well, let's not go too far here.

I realize the point is wooshing right over my head, but Supertramp doesn't sound much like either of them.


Yeah, but you still shouldn’t expect not to be fired for producing a video where you hold up the decapitated head of the current President of the US. There’s robust protection for freedom of speech in your country, up to and including such videos, and there’s also robust protection for allowing people to suffer the

Yeah, this is a ridiculous line in this article: "Peyton Reed took over the film after Wright’s departure, producing a movie that received a restrained, but not wholly negative, shrug from critics and audiences.".

Best songs: Tangerine, the Intro (seriously, holy shit it's that good), and whatever the first song is called. Plus For Your Sorrows, maybe. But I like Shine Blockas as well.

I dunno… I think that the left was (rightly) upset about the various death threats/jokes whatever about Obama, and we should be willing to apply the same standards to ourselves.

Yeah. Like just the intro was worth the price of admission, and they knew it (the last line in the intro is "And that wasn't nuthin but the intro"). Vicious Lies… did not hold a candle to it, and Shine Blockas isn't one of the best three songs on it.

Preach, brother.

That’s a good answer, and food for thought, thank you.

But… the specifics of the law being broken matter, surely? The Intercept, or something like that, publishes stuff that people with a lot more money and power than Peter Thiel get upset about. How does this case make it more likely that they're going to be shut down? And if the answer is "not very much at all", as I

No, but this is a bad review.

Wait, the constitution says you're allowed to publish stolen sex tapes?

Sorry, what?

I mean… it kind of is about Gawker, because they're the ones who got sued out of existence.
