
Into the Breach is lovely, albeit maddening. I actually just rage quit a run where I was trying to finish two islands in less than 30 minutes, in order to get an achievement. It’s more of a puzzle game than FTL, but very much in the same ballpark in terms of the overall feel, gameplay aside.

Also there shouldn’t be a space, but such is life.

I thought it was a tree pruner.

That Bohannon song is pretty great, especially because as soon as it started I recognized it as the source of the sample for Jay-Z’s “Cashmere Thoughts” off his first album.

Uh... you might be making a bunch of shit up here. Japan has one of the highest, if not the highest, suicide rates in the world. I believe China is up there as well. Catholic countries tend to have rather low rates, actually.

Ditto for BoI. I’ve just installed Nuclear Throne, which is similar in terms of run time (though I never last more than 10 minutes or so) and roguelitelikeness, but different enough to be a different game. I’d like to get into something more long-lasting, but it’ll be a while before I have time again.


I think you’re confusing Quinn with Sarkeesian?

But isn’t Ravenous about American politics/history?

Huh well they’re definitely unacknowledged because I didn’t realize they existed until your post right now, or at least if I did I have completely forgotten them (though the name now sounds familiar-ish). Will check them out.

I think Dungeon Family’s almost-all-live instrumentation was a huge influence on the decline of sampling as well, as production trends started to come out of the south towards the end of the millennium (and still do to this day).

It’s definitely worth seeking out, for the fight with mecha-Hitler alone. I didn’t know about the NBA Jam connection, that was another one of my favourites back in the day.

I’m down with Total Carnage over Smash TV, personally. The graphics were a tiny bit nicer, gameplay much the same. But they both felt great.

Actually that’s Ethan Hawke in the picture above. It’s an easy mistake to make though.

I understand each of those words individually, etc.

Method Man is definitely a big comic book fan, and has talked about his collection in several interviews. I can’t back up the second half of your last sentence, but your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

This is a very, very weird hill to die on. It’s about someone trying to help a stranger (which is the only thing that “good samaritan” means to 99% of the living human race), but someone who has a lot of criminal baggage and reason to fear the law (hence the bad part). It’s wordplay. Using the word “bad” doesn’t

I really like that all of these responses are about La Croix and not Cardi B. To ruin that trend, she’s actually pretty good, like the article says.

I like Franks.