
The review doesn't say the game is an allegory for Trump. The review says the game's ending supports a philosophy that Clayton finds repugnant, which is a similar philosophy to that which underlies Trumpism. Which is a very different point. (Note that the word "Trump" appears in the article precisely once.)

Also, A Fucking Armored Lion. Ooops, sorry, spoilers.

I guess I’m something of a comic book purist, and Batman Returns isn’t a Batman flick. But I suppose it’s a good-ish Tim Burton movie, but I’m not really a Burton fan. Agreed on De Vito and Pfeiffer, though.

something something you've got it backwards.

Unfortunately, it gives you throat cancer.

Yes to Spiderman 2, definitely no to Batman 2.

I went with friends and paid to see lots of not bad moves that I don't hate.

I feel bad because it was actually kind of funny, I mean by the standards of internet comments at least. But I can't be expected to pass up low-hanging asshole fruit.

I see what you mean about not being a comedy expert.

I feel like I want a separate counter for humans killed by aliens vs other humans. Because I feel like the humans were responsible for more alien deaths than vice versa, or at least close to it.

Cannot. Stop. Masturbating.

Depressing fact: in twenty years, our Matlock will be The Wire.

It's a really stupid film. Kind of fun if you turn your brain off, but holy fuck there's some stupid there.

I watched it with my son two nights ago, and Me Doing Standup last night. I had forgotten about the back half being essentially nothing but sexual stuff, so that was a little awkward, but it's still worth it for the Janice bit, which is straight up one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

It's usually not the circumsizee who "elects".


"These “berries” aren’t a true fruit, though, but are tiny pinecones with scales too small to discern."

There was an old comic called Milk & Cheese, which was about, well, a carton of milk and a block of cheese that went around causing ruckus. Anyways, my friend had a t-shirt with them on it where one is saying "Gin makes a man mean!" and the other adds "Everybody booze up and riot!". I want that shirt.

Despite being born in the mid-70's, I've seen like 2 of these films. Everyone else in school was watching them, though, I guess I was too busy… uh… not watching cool films. Sounds like a genuinely great guy, though, I think just falling into buckets of money at a young age and being fairly smart and good looking tend

Yeah, I remember reading discussion / interviews / articles about it on Gameological when it first came out, and it was clear that part of the point is the “aha!” moment of discovery that it manages to keep recreating. And I have gone back to puzzles that were formerly impossible and all of a sudden they just clicked.