
NobleMan sounds like a really crummy superhero LARPer. That is all.

I've been continuing to fart around in The Witness, which I've definitely reached the hair-pulling out stage over. I can't believe how many puzzles are crammed into the relatively small space, it's really quite astounding. So far I've unlocked 5 lasers, 2 or 3 more to go, but I'm at the stage where every unsolved

I had no idea there were actual bums, never mind nipples, in this game. What has this world come to?

It's a little-known fact, but pandas are also made by slave labor.

They absolutely would write that article, and if I wasn't so goddam lazy I could find like 10 things that matched it in terms of obscurity/pandering. Although to be fair, none of these fast food chains are obscure, whereas most sane people don't know what a juggalo is. It would be more like an article ranking the CSI

The top 50 percent of wusses, you mean.

Correction, the only good songs are Aryas.

Was you at all jealous that Louis Armstrong got to be the first man to walk on the moon?

Not according to William F Finley IV, he said, ignoring the joke.

When do they start eating each other?

That is not at all an accurate summary of the movie's quality.

That’s a brilliant plan. Make it happen, please!

I really like the fact that this thread is here - it's like there are people out there who actually understand how numbers work. Thanks for restoring my faith, peeps.

So I have to admit that I have no soul/heart/ethics as a preface here… but I'm very much looking forward to United getting really cheap in the months to come as a way of trying to make up for all this avalanche of bad press it's been getting, as I'm going to be flying a lot over the next year.

There's literally one negative comment prior to yours.

There's an interview with him here where he's clearly coked out of his goddam gourd.

It blew my goddam mind. No idea until Hugo Weavings face started stretching.


This could be really good, I mean, I've never watched his work, but the topic is fascinating.

Good fresh mayonnaise is fucking gorgeous. I also like the nasty American shit on sandwiches, but the real stuff is a thing of beauty.