
You're gonna murder the Jews? Uh-oh.

He has no interest of any kind in policy, so long as his taxes go down, nothing impinges on his business interests, and he can deport people. Whatever the Houses hand him, he will rubber-stamp.

He’s likely going to get 300 electoral college votes. How is that anything other than a complete and utter rout?

It's not close. He's demolishing her.

Trump's winning the popular vote.

On the plus side, it is actually a pretty great job.

Stop kidding aroundhouse.

Not The AV Club

But I assume after that the buffet was fucking empty.

I hate to say this, but your dad was probably racist and kind of an asshole even when the game wasn't on.

He made a nice pancake after the piano fell on him?

Naproxen will fuck with your stomach. Careful with that shit.

Oh yeah some of that too. I wish I had something profound to say about this, but really I just, uh… like beer?

I just got back from two months in Germany. I drank a lot of hefweizen, and kristallweizen, which is the filtered version I guess. Yum.

I basically like post-Barrett pre-Wall Floyd. And I quite like a lot of The Final Cut. Can’t really deal with much of The Wall, though, too whiny and narcissistic.

I really, really don't like Syd Barrett songs very much. I am lame, or didn't do enough acid, or something. (God knows I tried.)

Can it be three things?

I mean… he's cunning, in some sense, but I think he genuinely is a deeply, deeply stupid man with no interests of any kind beyond (a) himself and (b) money. I don't think he's dissembling at all - everything he's presented himself as is 100% the truth. He genuinely is a schoolyard bully who throws temper tantrums at

"It's not that hard."