Reminds me a lot of the Starship Troopers custom map from AoE2. It was one of my favorites from back in the day, so this definitely has my attention. Thanks!
Reminds me a lot of the Starship Troopers custom map from AoE2. It was one of my favorites from back in the day, so this definitely has my attention. Thanks!
As a fan of anime, I have gotten used to the first few episodes of a show being a little clunky. With Castlevania I have decided to consider the first season as more of an extended preview, so I can forgive some of the lackluster moments.
Good on them for showing greater diversity. Some people will really love it, other people(morons) will give Blizzard all kinds of shit for it, and others still(myself included) don’t give a damn.
Now if only we could get these guys to tackle the Armored Core series.
Does the occupant’s wealth really matter when discussing this? If you changed out the rich asshole for a van full of kids going to soccer practice would your tone change?
I’m so stoked for this. Hard to cast any kind of judgement, but I think they’re getting the aesthetic right.
For the time being they serve a purpose that the POGO app can’t and until they fix the location bug I’ll keep using them.
I can’t believe you actually feel uncomfortable about this. Go get your damn pokeballs and move on.
I’ve been watching Kabaneri and it is fantastic. Though I keep forgetting the name of the show so I started calling it Steampunk Zombie Roller Disco.
Damn, Ultraviolence is considered a genre now?
I think this is a sign of the times in a way. You see this kind of interaction with Crowdsourcing, there can be a tremendous benefit to taking a moment to acknowledge the journey of a project and the people (fans included) that supported it.
Is that Sean Bean? Kinda sounds like it.
Not going to wade into the COD love/hate shitstorm, but here’s the cover you were looking for, by Lady Heroine:
I loved this game so much. The guns were beautiful and even though it played a backseat to the action, its live action cut scenes were so unique to me at the time. What I would do to see a sequel to Black hit the current gen.
Whoever made that Gundam costume is my hero.
Until I see a glitch, I will reserve judgement.
That is exactly what I wanted to find in the comments. Thank you.
I love this film in regards how much of a foil it was for the novel. But at the same time, I hate it because I feel fairly certain that nobody will ever attempt to make a real Starship Troopers film that is actually based on the book. It’s one of my favorite reads and I would love to see it on screen. :(
That is exactly what I wanted to find in the comments.