Joshua Pietrzykowski

A few more things to go on my list for people.

I’m all for this. I always hated being torn between playing normals with friends and abandoning them to ranked.

Give this man 50 Internets!

I’ll second that. When the execs at my place put in a Ticket to have one of us show them where the volume buttons are on their android tablet after they had been using iPads for God knows how long, I’m fairly certain the last thing they’re thinking about is setting up an exchange server for their home office.

Thank you. Seriously. Probably the most accurate description of American politics I’ve ever seen.


It’s a pity that stuff like this happens. But I really believe that crowdfunding has changed the landscape in a lot of industries for the better; in particular for Musicians and Tabletop Game Creators.

It is also important to remember that Kotaku and other sites that post articles about failed Kickstarter campaigns

League is better off without him.

I was hoping someone would mention N!

Western NY. I had ~80 ping before the move and now I have ~30. Don’t really notice a difference, but I’m not going to complain.

Informative, balanced opinions; nice write up. Seriously, well done.

Meh, I don’t have ownership in Riot, so I don’t reserve the right to make demands, only requests. I may not be happy about a decision that they make, but I can pack up and go to DOTA any time I want.

Fantastic! Thanks for the info!

I’m with you there. I was looking forward to setting up a gaming desktop and a work desktop and was met only with disappointment. It’s a feature that I would love to see. The only other thing I’d like to see is Cortana integration with Spotify.


Awwww cute. It thinks it’s a PC. :P

Hell has come and it is glorious!


The feels.

Like others have said, it’s too much too soon. Mighty No. 9 hasn’t released yet and that’s really what put them on the map as a new developer. Even if the game is done and could be released tomorrow, they’ve picked a release date and need to go guns blazing with the marketing machine until that date arrives.