Hannibal and the Curious Case of Norman Fetus.
Hannibal and the Curious Case of Norman Fetus.
Netflix’s Castlevania animated series released over the weekend and has plenty of demon killing, testicle jokes,…
At this point Mads is one of those actors who’s absolutely inseparable from his character. When I read this I don’t see an interview with Mads Mikkelsen, I see an interview with Hannibal Lecter.
to this day not sure wich is worse Nina Or Houges daughter at the funneral
Here’s your first brief look at Scarlett Johansson in motion in the new Ghost in the Shell movie, pointing guns and…
Would love to see a physics-based RTS where units don’t have set attack values, but instead projectile velocity and material that interacts with the material it hits.
Yeah, the game itself has only just been released, but thanks to betas and marketing people have been getting to…
Why is it a problem? I swear I’ll never understand American people and your need to be upset over everything to do with race. Everyone else in the world can appreciate it’s a movie, and some artistic liberties are taken.
No, she’s not Japanese in the anime which is the funny thing. The only people riled up about this are the ones who have never actually seen the show but still somehow feel entitled enough to project their opinion on the casting choices an assume that just because her name is Motoko and she’s in an anime that she must…
Having decided to alter a victory pose in Overwatch following fan feedback, Blizzard have seemingly gone ahead and…
It’s extra sad given that Wolfenstein has proven you can reinvigorate a classic FPS intelligently and with plenty of love for the long time fans while also providing a great modern experience, too.
On December 20, 2003, a torrent file was created for an ASCII version of The Matrix. In January 2016, after…
For a single season, Heroes was a fun TV show. Somehow, it stayed on for another three seasons, but I didn’t stick…
I’ve never been keen on the idea of abandoning my tower case for a system with all the gaming guts piggy-backing a…
In our current age of mega-Marvel machinations and decade-long transmedia story arcs, it’s easy to forget what it…
The moment when you discover what Starship Troopers is really about is one of the great eureka moments in the life…