
Its a witch! Burn it!

Again it is the people they bring in. Also “Don’t vote for people the Klan and Nazis vote for” is rather easy rule to follow. 

It’s like during COVID how airlines needed a lifeline because they had no liquidity. The cash they had on hand was used to buy back stock and pump up their stock prices, so no cash reserves. Imagine if we could get free money for being greedy.

This is why wildcat strikers are both brave and essential to a working economy. It is also why we need class solidarity with them to support them.

It would seem the next logical step is to arrest Hudson and seize his car. And it seems city officials are considering it. A statement from the Seattle city attorney’s office to Fox 13 on June 10th said that the office is “looking into what more they can do.” Kind of makes you wonder why impounding his car wasn’t

Are they still paid for only in the air time? I feel they should be paid for the time they show up for work to when they leave.



I object to fentanyl being described as “toxic.” That just promotes the propaganda of the ignorant. It is an opiate and as such, it has potential side effects including sedation, respiratory depression, constipation, dry mouth, and physical or psychological dependence. It is no different from any other opiate in that

It’s a federal holiday

We saw something similar in AZ when the legislature refused to fund education per rules of a passed ballot initiative. They got sued and lost each time all the way tot he state supreme court. After losing their final appeal, they still refused. It took a teacher walkout and mass protests at the capitol to even bring

The cop who showed up summed up how little they care about actually doing anything about it when he said she had a good standing for a civil case. 

That’s how you know the police aren’t really there to help you.

I mean...

I’m close to being with you, but I’ve always thought of the Outback as a modern AMC Eagle wagon.

Bluey’s dad never even hits her. And that’s why it’s woke gay propaganda.

I found out recently that that there is a shitty conservative attempt at Bluey and that Rob Schneider is the voice of the dad. That fits

I’ve spent far too much of my adult life in hospitals, and I’m sorry but I’d rather pass away quietly than suffer through a few Rob Schneider sets.

You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.