
People do weird shit all the time.

“Kamala Harris wants to turn America into Venezuela!” shreiks the candidate also running on a platform of government-controlled commodities pricing, a policy that was at the core of Venezuela’s economic collapse.

I’m sure he has concepts of plans for that too.

You can rent a whole lot of trucks from Home Depot for $40,000. 

Not everything (nor everyone) in life is rational. I, too, think cruises are absurd wastes of time and money, not to mention environmentally catastrophic, but I also think a small, two-seat car with a big, brawny V8 needs to be a part of my life.

“Subjectively cool”?

Tesla is a competent car company that was purchased by a ketamine addicted .com billionaire who then turned it into his personal toy.

As you’d expect, I’ve done this properly. The Mitsubishi Evo generations were the best overall. Out the box you could hang with sports cars, even super cars with the FQ series. There were so many one off special editions made like the TME, Zero, There was even a Carbon fiber edition in South America. Excellent both on

There’s no other answer. Shortest slideshow in Jalopnik history. 

There are a lot of candidates for this list, but I’m going with one of the more attainable ones.

Define shit drivers.

Yes? 100% it does.

Could probably offer $28K for it. it was definitely modified before and put back to stock so I would recommend to bring a mechanic or tuner that knows these cars, but the engine and drivetrain are stout. In it’s stock form, it is already a capable rally machine. this one only had 50K miles on it

I’d suggest going after the parents but I suspect that might not be effective.

Man, it really sucks when someone tells you what you can and can’t do with your body, like, taking away your choice to do something.

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

This is the most compelling new Nissan in years. That interior redesign in particular looks really good. I own a GX460 now and had looked at the new GX pretty seriously, but I would very possibly go this route instead depending how mpg/pricing works out.

Holding up the security line for any reason makes you an idiot and/or asshole. Holding up the security line for your own vanity (ie for tiktok or instagram) makes you a HUUUUGE asshole.

The presence of cars in their lineup automatically ensures there’s a bunch of nicer looking vehicles.  Prettiest Audi?  All I see is another blob CUV.