Nothing bad ever happens at the place where I have to get out of my car and pull out my wallet... You can tell from the bulletproof glass around the check out station inside.
Nothing bad ever happens at the place where I have to get out of my car and pull out my wallet... You can tell from the bulletproof glass around the check out station inside.
Very nice. All the tires are the same pressure. Great work.
Police chief in my small city of 60k makes $325k per year. Most of the regular cops are pulling in $120k. They make upwards of $200k at the end of their career (in their mid 50s), then spend the last 3 years working a shit ton of OT so that there pensions are inflated based on those last few years of total pay. Then…
I give police officers all the credit in the world
I’ll add to the noise. Zipper merging is a thing. Look it up and don’t be an idiot.
Yes, Zipper Merge FTW!
The driver, and you, are both wrong. enginerthefuture spells it out concisely below. Letting another driver merge efficiently does not mean that that he has a bigger penis than you.
There are not enough stars in the sky for this post. Zipper merging is the clearly more efficient use of highway.
No, OP was right. That is how you’re supposed to merge. And you are DEFINITELY not supposed to run into someone’s car if you think they’re “cutting the line”
I would expect a fellow Jalop to know about zipper merging.
Zipper mergers are just faster. Sorry, I guess that makes me a fuckwad, too.
thats how youre supposed to do it. thats why they create the merge point where they do and not 2 miles before where you merge.
“..if it has great acceleration, I’m interested.”
I love it when I find a potential parking space for my relatively diminutive Golf R, only to realize that because of the size of the vehicles on either side and/or the owners’ inability or refusal to park them within the lines, I can’t even fit my hatch in it. I count myself lucky that I have no serious mobility…
Money Plane? Can I finally bet on a guy fucking an alligator?