
Story about seeing Tesla cars from space includes no images of seeing cars from space....

One of the latest health trends on TikTok...

Will it be a Tungsten book?

My experience with most streaming service interfaces leads me to believe that the people creating and approving the interfaces HATE watching streaming services and really want the consumer to HATE it as well.


It’s total bullshit. Trump went through the standard legal process and had a jury trial. It doesn’t get more fair than that. If he was found guilty and was actually innocent in a jury trial, then he has nobody to blame but his own lawyers.

Rich bastards support a rich bastard who will promote tax laws that benefit rich bastards?

“Bluntly, that’s part of why I’m supporting him. I believe our justice system is being weaponized against him.”

A USAF member overextended on credit to purchase a vehicle they can’t really afford? De rigueur, man, de rigueur.

Nah, your phone already does it's job better. 

Your other hand remains completely free to continue jacking off about your CyberTruck.

Nice try buttercup.”

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

Ford Focus, is that you?

She wants time off to spend with her friends:

In other words - his own work as CEO is so minimal and brain-dead that an AI can handle whatever he’s doing now, and he’s so stupid that he thinks all other jobs are as minimal and brain-dead as his?

He’s also failing all of them by being stark raving insane, but that’s a different matter.

If an AI can do my job while I’m on vacation, I will not have a job to come back to.

And yet, they still won’t let you work from home.

Too many techies are delusional people who don’t understand how anyone else’s job actually runs. Governments, regulators, and courts will never allow this. As most of us know too well, our jobs require approvals, signatures, and stamps. You can’t have an “avatar” stamping a licensed civil engineer’s name and license