
I can fix her

Maybe someone collects some facts on the cause before we talk about killing people as punishment? 

Luckily with the leak occurring in Galveston Bay, the spilled oil improved the overall water quality.

No matter what you think of the truck or anyone who buys them, yelling profanities at him, giving the guy the finger and spitting on/scratching his property makes you as bad if not worse of a person.

Saw one in the Costco parking lot yesterday. They look so much worse in person. 

I’m a bit of a math wiz, but you’d think that the people of country that has a huge demand for cheap, imported goods, might be in a tight spot if the cost of all the goods they buy increases by 100%.  Especially since that importer nation has spent many decades moving their manufacturing out of country to cut their

Talk about a time where you really really didn’t need all those extra clothes anyway!

Why am I not surprised that ex-LAPD’s first response is to threaten violence.

I hope to someday have as short a shelf life and minimal an influence as a movie that made two billion dollars, and then 13 years later had a sequel that made another two billion dollars.

I’m guessing you’re an attorney. No offense.

Nope. Those companies will push excess inventory out to their dealers-which is typically what happens when supply outpaces demand. But you’re probably a Musk fanboi and just wanna whine.

I’m willing to bet this is a promotional stunt. I think, originally, they were going to call it Agatha: House of Harkness, but someone thought that sounded dumb and wanted to change it and then it changed again and eventually someone had the bright idea to go “Wait, what if we just keep changing the name every week to

He’s not going to jail for cursing at a cop. He’s going to jail for contempt of court. Disobey a judge at your peril, no matter what he/she/they/ze tells your dumb ass to do. Judges sit at the right hand of God himself in their courtroom. And if this judge feels this idiot should write an apology letter, best to get

I really dislike the constant attempts at establishing some sort of dichotomy and incompatibility between carbon-use reduction and carbon capture.  We need to do both, period.  

You don’t understand, he’s the perfect choice because he had a TV show that ended before most of these students were even born.

I’m not usually as anti-slideshow as many commenters here, but this one felt more pointless than usual, especially with the uninformative photos attached. 

All protest is, in some sense, a performance. What a weird and unnecessary observation.

I think the solution here is for people to buy more guns so they can easily replace their old guns when they’re stolen.

Ah yes, those damn Millennial assholes, like Jane Austen, F Scott Fitzgerald and Charles Dickens.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the majority opinion, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett.”