
This isn’t a court anymore. Its instead a bunch of right wing hack jobs making decisions based on their own biases.

Plus I’m sure it will be fine from now on. This seems like a fluke on an otherwise very reliable product.

“The truck tried to murder me today after it broke down on my first drive. Totally my fault though, still love Tesla!”

To be fair I heard that everytime a toyota breaks down and engineer is punished

Controlled? Come on. This is the Francis Scott Key bridge. There should at least be rockets and bombs bursting in air. 

This is all because the god damn libs own every part of the Ohio state gov’t, and they ju....wait, hold on a sec. What’s that?....they dont own any of it? Oh...nevermind.

Dang, listing Rebel Moon as the only credit for Djimon Hounsou is doing him dirty. 

“at the very least when I see some kinda of email that looks like something”

“I saw the ad on social media”

“And all of the dealer networks had learned in the meantime that you don’t screw the customer if you want to stay in business.”

Cancer scientist here with some depressing news. The only way to NOT die of cancer is to die of something else first. On a long enough timeline, everyone will win the “oncogenic mutation lottery.” It’s just a mathematical certainty.

While you may be nervous about buying a Mitsubishi”

You know, I always thought Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy, not a documentary, but here we are. When I was a kid I was told to be mindful of car doors, hoods, and trunks because I could break my poor little fingers. Now, we have people doing it intentionally for clicks.

This is the greatest scam the wealthy have pulled on the working class here in America- Unions (which would protect them from unscrupulous bosses) are bad, Universal healthcare (which would allow them to have decent healthcare if they got fired or if they work part time or as contract workers) is socialist nonsense

3,000+ H1B visa holders are a little stuck if they want to move, which they probably do.

That’s all they have, because they’re aggressively pursuing positions that most Americans oppose.

When I read the headline I was hoping the bear dragged the man to safety. 

Boeing better watch what they say if they don’t want Boeing to arrange for a little accident

Sure, but then we wouldn’t have a comments section.

Ordering lunch the other day I responded “yes ma’am” to something and the person on the other side of the counter scowled at me and sharply informed me they identify as non binary and did not want to be called ma’am. Shouldn’t we preface everything we say as : Sorry, not wanting to offend you ???