
SpaceX hides plenty. Leaving aside the fact that so many of their test flights are to do basic stuff that NASA figured out 50 years ago, and that they are vastly overestimating their own engineering ability while creating a massive bubble of public expectation based on the promises Musk keeps making, SpaceX test

I do want to remind everyone that if you take LOGAN as the definitive end of the version of Wolverine that Jackman started playing in 2000 and not as a “What If/The End” style story that means that the FOX X-Men universe ends with:

- The humans successfully doing a mutant genocide.
- All the X-Men dead after Professor X

I’ll never apologize for this.

You’d think “Technoking” Musk could make a better design than Chevy could 50 years ago. But no, apparently design and tech haven’t moved on from back then ...

Keep in mind some of this data is inherently skewed.  If the police in your state generally don't give tickets for aggressive driving then it will be under represented here.

Well I mean suspicious that a bunch of students are buying a 225 dollar chain lock for 85 dollars.

FAFO. Pretty much sums it all up.

Who am I supposed to feel for in this situation?
Cheaters getting scammed?
Family members of Cheaters getting scammed?
Scammers who aren’t getting paid?

i because apple uses it in their product names so “i” became synonymous with “high tech”

I know this is a hot take, will generate controversy, and will doubtlessly cost me many friends and allies, but I find Ted Cruz to be a viscerally unpleasant person.

Nah, I prefer him transparently awful rather than doing all the same shit just without publicizing it

I’m curious as well as to the maintenance costs. I’d imagine frequent tire replacement is one, but perhaps it’s just the service network.

Only one.

Some people are so stupid, so careless in their disregard for people’s safety or commonsense, that they should be barred from driving. Ever.

F150 with the uber rare 1-on-the-tree transmission

Strongly disagree. I’m not arguing at all that the VFX people should just say f*** it all and intentionally produce shoddy work. However, if you have a truly engaging movie that is well written, well directed, and well performed, any issues with VFX can be missed or ignored. The writing, acting, and directing come

I like everyone blaming Taika while simultaneously praising him for how grounded and balanced he was on the previous film and literally every other movie (before and after) and show he’s done… so I’m going to take a bold stab and say it was the Studio and as per usual they got the wrong idea from the success of the
