
There’s only room for one Ronald McDonald in this world.

In the comics she started as a villain, dated Captain America and was ostracised by other villains becoming an anti-hero playing both sides before eventually an Agent of Shield then back to a Villain again.

Apparently you don’t spend enough time on mom-targeted Instagram. “SUV Mom” is a serious thing on social media, as embarrassing as it is, and this is the premier “SUV Mom” truck. Except maybe the Escalade/Expedition. At my daycare there are at least five of them every day, driven by tiny women who have two kids. The

“TikToker Blaisey Arnold” is pretty much all you need to know here, isn’t it?

Well, we’ve been unionized for nearly a decade now, so...

“But.... Have seen the price of a McDonald’s value meal?”

Just yelling in to the void. But man, this shit is getting real. As in- there are many indications that this fat fuck could win the election. And if he does- we are all fucked. At this point its clear the Supreme Court will side with whatever he does each and every time. There is seemingly somehow nobody or no law

Stories like this are what I point to when I hear (very certain) someones complaining that, “No one wants to work any more and no one takes any pride in/has loyalty for their employer.”

Also, “DISMAY” is the only one without the letter T. That question is way to vague and has too many potential answers.

no need since they are objectively wrong.

As expected, internet providers are not going to take this lying down and will pursue the options available to them to stop net neutrality from happening.

The joke there was that the plane was actually built with winglets, but on takeoff when the wings were full of fuel, the wingtips scraped along the ground and fell off.

He said he was conservative.

We do not have vehicles that can do that here in the US. It’s probably illegal to even have something like this on vehicles here in the US. 

I mean, I’d love to hear less about him. I’d also love it if he stopped being such a piece of shit.

His argument last night was that the only sensors humans have to help them drive are their eyes, so Tesla only using cameras is obviously the correct move. And with logic that sound, who could argue?

Yep. Absolute Bond Villain. 

I would require the youths to use their phones in a simulator designed to show them how distracted driving affects their ability to safely react to unexpected situations. This might not eliminate the problem, but it would at least give them an idea about potentially fatal watching influencers or responding to texts on

This movie, so far, looks really interesting but it still falls into the categories of movies I don’t feel a need to spend $15+ on watching it in a theater. Big action movies with superheroes or big explosions or frenetic car chases or anything in that vein, benefit from the large screen and overly loud theater sound