
I’m not even allowed to look at them. My wife is very permissive about the cars I own — at one point, I had six old japanese cars in various states of decay when we had only street parking. Those were okay, but Telsas are an immediate nope.

So dealers complain that they don’t want to sell EVs. But then go ahead and complain that they don’t want anyone else selling EVs either.

This thing is probably nets +1 MPG or two during EPA testing. A lot of people will probably pull it off. IMO it’s really indicative of how bad the thing is on gas that they had to do it.

What’s depressing is that in a sane world, he spends the *entire* call talking about how they’ve got manufacturing BEV’s leaned out better than any of the established companies, and can undercut all of them.

The Taco only gets 24mpg with the hybrid, which is pretty disappointing honestly. The Maverick gets between 35-40mpg and is cheaper to buy

They just want senpai to notice them”

Imagine if Tesla had spent all the money that went towards the Cybertruck on something that wasn’t dumb as fuck.  They could have made a damn impressive vehicle.

This maybe be appealing to someone who has always wanted a car from the Italian big three (though Maserati’s exotic/desirability stock seems pretty diluted to me these days). They can drive a good looking car with an exotic nameplate for a short time for not much initial outlay, but I suspect even that guy is going to

They were all recalls, regardless of how the fix is applied.

Good technique. Nice bow wave, kept moving. 10/10. Probably did less damage than taking a CyberTurd through a car wash.

The federal government will be on the hook for the majority of those costs, the site reports.

“Why would anyone feel uncomfortable interacting with a cop unless they’re guilty of a crime??”

a market valuation of $700 billion

I like it better when they meow when they pull you over


License and Registration CHICKEN FUCKER!!!!!! BAHHH-KAWWWKK!!

The fact that he drove this wild beast so much that he was in two accidents with it is cool/impressive/hilarious.

Arnold has a tank. He gives rides to kids. That’s pretty great.

It’s hard to beat Jay Leno’s collection of cars, and equally hard to pick the best. If I had to choose just one, it would be his Chrysler Tank Car. I mean, it’s a street-legal car...powered by a tank engine. What more needs to be said?

I think its to save the Tesla owner the embarrassment of being seen outside with a Tesla.