
I’m at a point where I don’t think we should be fighting to keep idiots alive any more.

I support your right to hate whomever you want to hate, but DaimlerBenz of DaimlerChrysler fame were also VERY badly behaved during WW II. (And as a fun side note, the Dodge Avenger also came with a VW turbo diesel engine in some variants.) So if we’re going to finger wag a van that was made years before Dieselgate,

Does this mean they’ll rehost Pornhub’s library?

So basically render the feature you paid thousands for worthless.

I’ll be honest, I thought most of you made many hundreds of K a year”

He famously said he didn’t want or need campaign funding and said he would turn it down. Now he begs for it all the time and sell any piece of crap somebody will offer him a piece of in exchange for his name an a 2 minute sales pitch.

Trump supporters saying they would keep their dollars invested in Trump Media, even as the price falls.

Well it did, so bask your fame for being a Tool for buying a CyberTrashMobile from White Nationalist Motors. By the way, both Chevy & Ford make an electric pickup truck that can actually be used as a pickup truck...

Anytime a reduction in force happens to be an incredibly round number, like 10% of employees, it’s a great indicator that it’s not the result of careful analysis identifying redundant/unnecessary jobs to eliminate, but more of a knee jerk process of trying to keep investors happy. And whenever that’s the way you run

You are taking one company that simply manufactures vehicles and then licenses out the selling/maintenance activity to dealerships and comparing it to another company that controls its manufacture, sale and maintenance locations  so kind of apples and oranges comparison. 

from the photo it looks like the cover slides forward and gets pinned under the gap where the lower dash/bulkhead meets the floor, holding the pedal down. Not sure how firmly it holds it/how hard it is to dislodge, but “any” is the wrong answer for a car driving in real world situations

Helen Hunt was not married to Hanks in CAST AWAY. She didn’t leave him but rather “moved on” from someone assumed to be dead.

The Superman movie that never was

Technically the first spider:

Relax. They’re just testing the bridge. 

Was that a wooden bridge?

The last season of Heros was unwatchable.

I notice that these are all in deep rooted Red States, that’s a strong no thank you

“socially liberal athiest who believes in zero-regulation trickle down with no social safety net

Here’s where your $100,000 go further, which is helpful, because you’ll need to travel out of state if you need any medical procedures the legislature disagrees with this week.”