
Someone here is definitely sensitive and triggered...

Has the Bureau of Weights and Measures given it’s thoughts yet?

It’s almost like a really fucked up ritual; at some point Ron DeSantis had a meeting with his team and asked “would it help my electoral prospects if I start doing some ritual human sacrifice? And if so, how many must die?”

Surveillance Exclusion. It’s designed to make you unrecognizable to facial recognition software while still letting you interact with other people without losing your identity and expressions.”

Fursuits. Just saying.

You’re not seriously defending this stupid shit are you? You do realize most of us here actually know about cars and how stupid this shit is right?

This was making the rounds several years ago. Let’s just all drink Faygo and become Juggalos.

Full size trucks and SUVs make perfect sense in much of the country.

This makes perfect sense because EVs are only purchased by groomers to transport stolen children to underground pizza parlors where they are forced to listen to drag queen story hour twenty-two hours a day. At age 16, embedded computer chips receive 5G transmissions that activate them as covert antifa mercenary

Lol... Yeah, there have definitely never been hundreds of ICE vehicles left stranded on highways after running out of gas during evacuations.

1000% disagree with the Adjustable Power Seats....

No no no no, if you’re just visiting from up north, you’re a Yankee. If you don’t leave, THEN you’re a “damn Yankee.”

While visiting my parents in SC, I saw a real PSA billboard on the side of the road that talked about Rhinoceros horns having no medicinal value, and that really sums up all you need to know about SC.

It doesnt charge them for linking to an article, it charges them for reproducing the article text in their own clients as robonews.

So this is a form of reparations? Paying for things you have access to now because someone in the past made those things possible?

...But the actual MAGA laws that are the subject of this article aren’t meant to help or do anything at all about anything you just said.

I would like to see IU redirect the funds to establish a brand-new state-of-the-art Dunning-Kruger Institute to study these lawmakers.

The US Government probably provides health insurance for more people than any other country in the western world* so they are just doing their job as a health insurance company to hold down costs for their shareholders**.  Not that Fucker Carlson and his ilk will care because it isn’t really about that.

ThisGuy gets it.

Can the ads truly be said to be misleading if they are targeted at people who want to be misled?