
Lol, zero sympathy for this guy. The “Work Harder” writing under the wing is all I need to know to have a good idea of what this individual is like. 

All these driver assist should be mandated to be on a hard button that can easily be turned off and on

The part of car ownership that you’re enthusiastic about is commuting?  Who hurt you?

Aw, shit, now you’re on my gatekeepin’ patch!

Ang Lee just isn’t worth this. Perhaps a nice nap is in order?

I will pay good money to get rid of the auto-stop system (ASS) on my car. It’s like the people who programmed it have never driven a car before. Stop for 1 second and climate control shuts off. Stop in the middle of a turn and risk getting your hands torn off when the power assist comes back to the steering. It’s such

Sometimes I think people take for granted the difference between “superhero” movies before and after Batman Begins/Iron Man

One day we will get someone in office who puts someone in charge of the SEC that will remove rule 10b-18 and put an end to stock buy backs. Or at least restore the liability to the companies that do it. 

Along with the new(-ish?) pregnant-people-can-drive-in-the-HOV-lane stories, Dobbs has also led to this:

Well if abortions are a satanic practice, the Satanic Temple will be pleased to know that abortion is now protected by religious freedom.

And what, exactly, are these vehicles competing against?  Common sense? 

That’s nice. The merger still shouldn’t be approved though.

Just like my buddies 1987 Suburban with a 454.

Bloated would be a better description as production has increased while consumption has dropped while the Feds keep shoveling billions of dollars into the pockets of the owners of the huge dairy herds.

I know right, I have 2 Subarus with CVT tranny’s. One is over 60k miles with no issues. The other is new, replacing another Subaru with 150k miles. Never had an issue with either any of the 3. My brother has a 2015 WRX CVT and has no issues with his either after 100k miles. 

🤣 a pimp hand oh my god you're so lame

Why are you always creeping on me you sad weirdo? Fuck right off

In Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, Natasha refers to herself as a “monster” for being unable to have kids...

Hear that, kids? Never criticize anything popular.

“but I maintain that the movie has boring, half thought out politics (what if AMERICA is the bad guy? Oh wait no it’s just Nazis)“

glances around at our current real-world situation