
I could see it being a simple casualty of the oncoming fight against birth control, but not getting outright attacked by politicians, much like Viagra. The MAGA social media crowd will very much attack it for how it messes with testosterone and has words that look like estrogen, so it will very much get ridiculed by

If rocks are Irish confetti, I guess we can start calling batteries Philadelphia confetti.

Someone at my work tried to have a big rollout of what we could do with AI and basically the whole discussion devolved into things that either it can’t do or how it won’t actually save anyone any time if it even is successful because we still have to review & confirm all outputs exactly the same as though we made it.

I mean PHEVs. I know that they need plugged in, but the smaller range can either work great as traditional HEV or can be utilized as all electric for people with charging at home. I may have misread the stuff from Ford on my initial read though, looks like they are talking about HEVs instead. 

There’s no need to feel bad for Republicans. Those simple disagreements turned into personal, identity-driven fights because the GOP has spent decades actively fighting to suppress identities they don’t like. If someone is going to vote for a party that is actively pushing bigoted laws, they can & should be treated as

I’m with Ford on this one. PHEV everything while building out the EV market & infrastructure for it. Most people can’t charge a vehicle at their house (multifamily or city houses that have to street park), so it’s going to be a very long patchwork of development to get a lot of those households on board.

Transitional technology is a huge turnoff for the car buying market. I can see a ton of consumers who don’t want a certain car because they fear it will be obsolete in the very near future. With how fast cell phones and computers can get bricked, it is an easy fear to have if you don’t care about or understand the

I feel like I’ve seen those for sale with either wood or carpet at the truck bed. 

While I personally have no interest in a new car that lacks CP/AA, I can see that being an even bigger deal amongst renters since they are getting in an unfamiliar car for a short time. It’s ideal to have it as familiar as possible. There is, arguably, a market of people who might be willing to put up with it for a

As of this writing, it doesn’t appear as though Hair is facing any charges related to the incident.

I really hope the BEV transition continues to push hood heights back down. I’m just happy to see a new CUV with a hood that appears lower than its ICE counterpart, especially the downward slope that improves visibility and keeps the hood out of pedestrian’s face.  

The “scare” is for Chinese brand EVs made in Mexico and sold here, essentially the most reasonable way to get cheap EVs into the NA market. Biden put huge tariffs on them, but I’m not sure if that would still work the same if they got made in Mexico under current trade conditions, which is what makes me think that is

It is a little funny that they think twitter, which has massive investments from the Saudi royal fund, is now the safe space from online manipulation.

Could be a simple case where just because someone is asking, that doesn’t mean anyone will pay. Or they are doing that in order to jack up the ransomware value to Ticketmaster/ransomware market in general.

Someone needs to tell him the Titanic is woke now, so he needs to get down there as fast as possible.

An Altima with temp tags. 

I’m almost 2 years in on my Z Flip 4 with no issues. I’ve taken it to the beach multiple times and there was a bit of a crunching sand sound afterwards for about a week when I opened it, but no functional issues to date.

NASCAR gets to keep 90% of TV revenue??? Does NASCAR at least own all of these tracks that get used anything that actually requires a bunch or revenue like that? Racing and golf have the weirdest professional markets. It shouldn’t have surprised anyone how easy it was for Saudi money to step in and almost tank pro

It has long been standard that people with psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies are drawn towards management & elected office. Now we have MBA programs that emphasize “servant leadership” and spell it out clearly for those with minimal empathy, so they know how to fake it in their CEO speak. Turns out being an

Nope, if I don’t have to be in court I’m going. Especially some conveyor belt court room like traffic court. In most cases, the best thing you can do in court is shut up and let your lawyer talk, anyways. Everyone there is being paid to be there, no one in that court room is donating their time.