
There are just times where someone says or does something so stupid that it is difficult to comprehend what just happened. I think that judge initially doubted where he was and his entire purpose of being in that court room when he saw the guy was driving on video. It first took a minute to make sure he wasn’t crazy,

Edit - I went back and watched the video. The guy was actively driving and treating this like he just got a call from a friend. He didn’t even pull over before getting on camera...

One of my favorite functions. Both the double tap the power button and then use the volume button to snap a photo. Terrific when wearing gloves and most useful for me when working to be able to do that without touch the screen. 

Invasive animals like this can still be really difficult to kill in big numbers, even if open season is declared on them. There are limits on where you can/want to hunt, so it’s not like we can just release a heard of Mountain Men to roam the plains and kills them. Most people frown upon strangers wandering their land

I don’t recall the brands, but there are current 202X models that I have rented where I had to manually turn the headlights off. Nissan and Honda are the 2 that come to mind, but I’m not certain of that.

Your premise is far from consumer friendly and only benefits OEMs bottom-line and bonus structure.

The Tonka logo works a lot better on an old S10 (or similar little truck) that is dwarfed by modern trucks. This is just an ugly, 11-year-old, 100k mile truck that is asking for $30k.

That’s how most crime rings work. Find some teenagers from houses that are struggling to put food on the table and offer them 100s to 1000s of dollars for simple tasks. It’s really hard to say to no on an empty stomach when your 15 and you can get $500/week to transport some backpacks on your bicycle around the

This is why cops eventually shoot first and ask questions later. A no-knock warrant and stack of dead bodies doesn’t require silly things likecourt” or “legally obtained evidence” to close a case. DA’s also hate losing, so they don’t just want some okay evidence, they want a lot of concrete evidence and that can be

Ohio has made exceptions for it the last 2 election cycles. It’s a case where Ohio kept making exceptions instead of just moving their deadline to be in line with other stations and/or the conventions not being willing to make their formal nominations earlier in the year. I’m sure there is some special political

I forgot all about kids who took them from the school cafeteria for that. The term sledding came to mind really fast, but I wasn’t cool enough to be part of that group to know if that’s right or if I’m just imagining it

Where I grew up, doing ‘reverse donuts’ was done by front wheel drive cars and we called them either tornados or cyclones to differentiate the two. Is that a Midwest thing or do other places use that? 

There’s a company I interviewed with probably a decade ago and their reaction to my written test taught me that I have no interest working there. It was a pretty standard civil engineering job, so they wanted a short test that covered basic design things, but no reference material was allowed. They gave 30 minutes for

I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a new Freddy that plays on teens/20s spreading him through social media to give him a whole new life wherever the writers want. That seems like a cheap way to get that franchise back on screen. 

How is Porsche not more popular in the replies? Toyota in the standard of reliability and nothing else. The driving experience and materials are awful and the only reason 90% of buyers put up with them is because the cars run forever and the owner hates driving anyway.

First thought after I saw the front was “I can’t wait to see how they ruin this on the production version.” I hope I’m wrong and BMW is finally going to back to smaller grills, because this one actually looks good. 

And to be fair about the parachute thing, they don’t make any mention of opening them. A closed parachute would be just as effective as a backpack at preventing death

Being able to fold it open to a full screen the size of an open laptop would be really hand for construction purposes, especially if it unfolds to create an 11"x17" screen size. That would be a hyper-niche industry of people who find such a thing useful to justify the price it will command, but I’ve wanted a mega

Probably closer to 10s of thousands. Accounting for hair, makeup, & nails, I bet you could buy a lightly used E class for what it took to put together that look.

Fortunately for people, there are no recorded orca attacks in the wild, just the ones in captivity. Orcas have very consistent diets and habits that get passed down generationally in the pod and it appears no pod has ever cared about humans (yet). That intelligence, specific diet, and likely rare interactions with