
This is a stupid law, but California’s biggest problem with guns are all the other states who sell them to their citizens. Same deal in Illinois and New York. Gun control at the state level is supremely difficult when someone can just go get whatever they want all across the South.

It’s definitely a case where ‘everyone is an asshole’ in this instance. He deserves a citation/fine for being a jerk in traffic, but the cops are being much bigger assholes for lying in their reports about injuries and keeping their body cams off to cover up their lies.

While technically correct, the DAs still have to cater to a lot of police needs so they don’t “accidentally” ruin future cases for them, especially if the right cops are pushing for charges to happen. The police are a legal mafia with loads of court precedence that they know protects just about any bad behavior, so

Golfers are the “independent contractors” of the pro sports world. If he doesn’t make his tee time, he gets booted. It’s so wild that with all the money involved in pro golf, they somehow have a system where the #1 ranked athlete is driving they’re own rental car with no idea what’s going on. I don’t think anyone

This implies the police have any level of self-reflection or even the notion of accepting responsibility for their actions. No major police interaction media says they would ever dare care. 

Also, VW has multiple BEVs, spread across VW, Audi, & Porsche with more coming soon. Ford already sells a BEV in the 2 most popular American segments plus the e-transit. Nissan has been in the modern BEV game just as long as GM, with the main current difference being that Nissan doesn’t do an EV truck. It seems more

I wonder how they justify letting that Volt tech stay dead when Toyota can’t build the Prime trims of their lineup fast enough.

That last part would be my main concern for how it is implemented. I’ve been in many rentals with a similar feature that showed when I’m speeding, but they are wrong pretty often.

It’s probably a payment thing. He won’t save any money, but he can sell it for more than what he owes and plans to roll that equity into something else. 

If we really want to speak to Americans, it will have to be measured in coffee cups per football field. 

That he doesn’t need to run for POTUS to be a POS. 

It’s not about lights. It’s about a state governor banning local displays that support groups of individuals he happens to hate simply because they exist. He is using banning government resources from showing displays of support for protected classes of citizens. 

That’s the kind of thing that makes sense in the engineering room, but then just gets messy in the public.

VW was so good about using real names for their cars. Why do the BEVs have to follow the letter/number setup of Audi? They aren’t even sorted by size. Actual words for the names of car models are the best names. 

Even more than that. 1 adult who’s holding the hands of 2 kids would be safer than 2 adults letting their kid dance around on the sidewalk. Every little situation like that is something to judge when driving and continues to get more complex the more dense the city. 

It’s a shadow campaign to get more people to sign up for Neuralink. Don’t need fingers when you can drive with your mind. 

As a non-Californian, Santa Barbara to San Diego and the ocean to the mountains is basically all “LA” to me.

I’d argue being spread out adds to the car culture. Much like Houston, it’s a massive area that requires driving everywhere, so there are way more people attached to their cars and cars in general. Houston flooding being a literal car killer, I’m sure hurts things relative to comparable markets. 

That’s what make LA the probably correct answer. The weather is ideal for any car, there are tons of roads where driving is enjoyable and lots of places worth a few hour drive to get to, it’s a very diverse area, and most importantly, a bunch of rich people who can afford whatever they want in a car then hand me down

Then with 1 or 2 kids, the Charger is still an excellent option too. One of the best sedans for fitting car seats in the back and still getting the cavernous trunk.