
I think Final Destination did a good job imprinting that fear into an entire generation.

The lashings will continue until moral improves.

A lot of people don’t carry cash or they only keep something like a few $20s on hand. Last I saw the average draft kings style sports bet is only about $4. A lot of people like to just make little bets and very few want to plan on having a stack of 20 $1 bills when doing so. D&B knows that by having this on an app,

I fully agree that it is completely doable. I’ve been part of 100s designs for outdoor utility equipment in multiple states. The cost/care a company is willing to put into it makes a big difference and Tesla is the one who put the most into it. Now Elon kicked out everyone in that chain of command and I have little

Unless the Serpent Society is the core villain, that just sounds like it would be a bad idea to include them. A small cameo/easter egg, sure, but I feel like they’ll have enough with just trying to get Sam established post F&WS. 

That was my first thought. The word “crew” does a lot of lifting when that crew is 1 or 2 people. They probably got docked for a late arrival, too.

You cannot compare something that sits out for public use versus an appliance in a personal garage. The wear and tear on that public item will be 100x worse and the variety of vehicles using it with all different software means they have to work for everyone all the time.

Very much this. A more accurate headline would be “a group of assholes circling a car cause the self-driving system to malfunction”

If they would have trained it based on Florida driving, it would have just plowed through all of the riders.

I have coworkers that have done various electric sites from the design side. I’ve also bid multiple Tesla projects, either directly from them or indirectly from their expansions. The Supercharger team is (was?) the only functional team they have, everything else is chaos. The Superchargers are also more reliable and

The header image should have been that gif of Bender laughing, then saying “oh wait, you’re serious, let me laugh even harder”

It’s unlikely a Tahoe is the actual dream. Owning expensive things and pretending they are a casual purchase is the real dream. 

My honest guess is that they’re going to re-use the brotherly dynamic of Thor & Loki, just switching which one is adopted. Which isn’t terrible, but not-good-not-bad has felt like the standard for most of these movies lately. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the money saved reusing a ton of Lion King graphics will make them

Most inflation calculators just use general CPI, which doesn’t apply to cars very well, as they have increased slower than CPI for several decades. However, $40k for a cruiser like this was a lot back in 2002, so it’s really hard to gauge where it would be today. This would probably compare to a modern Stinger or 300

I would rate the 80s model as non-descript. It wasn’t attractive, but it also wasn’t ugly. Just kind of existed in the sea of 80s sedans. This 2000s version is actively unattractive.

Maybe they’ll make it more accurate to the animal kingdom and have Mufasa kill Scar’s dad and the other cubs in order to establish dominance over the pride. Scar brought him in and helps initially, planning to defeat Mufasa at the end, but loses the fight and gets his scar along the way. Scar chooses to admit defeat

Think about every modern crossover coupe — every X6 or Cayenne Coupe - and gaze upon their forefather.

This was an odd investment. The ugliest of all Thunderbirds, so not even something I’d want to go look at for 22 years. For the current ~$17k, I guess it could be okay car to just own and use as a low mile convertible cruiser. Even with that, I’d still be quite nervous about whatever has dried up over the decades.

Stuff like this is why I’m happy to vote for Biden over Trump. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t understand the benefits of not having Verizon’s lawyer in charge of the FCC. The admin also just ended non-competes at the federal level, which was sorely needed in our country. They could really go crazy and start

The i8 is easily one of my favorite BMWs, and probably cars in general. All of the color patterns look great and it’s one of the few that I think pulls off the black stripe styling they use. At least around me, these things haven’t dropped below $50k for examples with 50k-60k miles on them. The sub 30k mile options