
One of the perks to those non-American countries is that there are way less people driving 5ooo lb SUVs while looking at their phone and going 60 through town. Adults are barely willing to put themselves on motorcycles any more because of our SUV arms race, let alone even think about kids on them (beyond dirt bikes in

I’ve personally not had good experiences with AA & United, but I know some people who swear by them and are willing to pay the extra for it. I’m actually kind of surprised Spirit/Frontier/Jet Blue didn’t dominate the 1-2-3 for this list. I guess it’s just the rest of the flying experience they try to ruin.

Simplifying things a bit, but short sellers are forced to buy at the inflated stock price, essentially how they lose money. They can buy/borrow stock from another company currently holding a bunch in order to mitigate those losses, which I’m sure many did. However, it wasn’t just redditors who pumped the meme stock.

I just mount a fire breathing robot dog to the top of my car. 

Totally unrelated, but I’m really hoping this becomes a bigger story:

Totally unrelated, but I’m really hoping this becomes a bigger story:

I’m sure SCOTUS will find a way to ruin this, but in the meantime, the FTC finally did something about non-competes on the national level!!!

I recommend Pocket Casts for the free podcast app.

I’m not sure if it is a difference, but there is only 1 stop planned and it is at College Station, so no good, direct highway routes to follow for something like that. Especially if they are avoiding at-grade crossings. 

It’s the socially acceptable word for everyone who wants to rant about minorities, women, and/or LGBTQ groups, but fear they’ll get fired for using the known slurs.

No, it’s actually an okay investment tactic when a major corporation has a big go woke, go broke culture pop. There is usually an initial stock slide, which is a good time to buy, because then it generally rebounds once everyone stops caring again.

The repair/rental costs could have been the inspiration for detailing total cost of ownership. /s (kinda)

I’ve found clear to be about 90% worthless. On days that the ID line was busy, so was the clear line, so it marginally saved time. I’ve also had similar issues of the tech taking 2-3 tries before it identifies me and then it’s just into the regular TSA bag check line. So very similar to you in that the free trial is

Houston to Dallas has been trying really hard. I believe they have actually bought a bunch of the land, but there are still land gaps to purchase and gaps in funding to keep it going. I still keep my fingers crossed on that one, though.

The child benefit increases are a joke too. A kid costs way more than just about of those increases, especially if they need just about any form of childcare. Even without childcare, unless the kid is sharing a bedroom with the parents, the added square footage for them adds up fast.

That’s one of the things that’s always puzzled me about a lot of low-income programs, especially for housing assistance. My tinfoil hat idea is that is kind of the intent, making it so low that anyone who qualifies doesn’t have enough money to do anything about it. Then the programs don’t have to pay out as much, so

It’s allowed because every politician does it in some way or another, so none of them want to lose that power. They use for a lot of little things that benefit their area, so it generally goes unnoticed, but I’d bet the majority contain totally unrelated funding or tax bits

I meant the people at the top too. I’d argue they’re not dummies, they’re just liars, the carnival barkers of the business world if you will. Jeff Bezos 1000% knew he needed massive teams of watchers for those cashier-less Amazon stores and chose to lie to everyone about how the stores really operated.

The people running these AIs know very well that they rely on real people to function. They know because they are employing all of them to make it look real in order to pump the value & sell it as revolutionary. 

Hummer EV. We don’t need 10,000-pound tanks hitting 60 mph in 3 seconds on public roads that any goober is allowed to drive.