
I’ve seen plenty of roads where one side was designed to have the highest elevation, although that is not the norm. It’s quite common for highway frontage roads. Intersections in very hilly places, like West Coast cities, also get quite varied in the high point along a roadway. 

I’m with you on the C7. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but C7 is honestly one of my favorite designs. Perhaps sitting in one could change my mind verse the others, but I just really like it. By the time I’m at a stage in life to buy a Corvette, that might even make it better for to have the C7s remain less in

Looks like the white car didn’t/couldn’t look far enough ahead to see that the road on the left is lower grade. The paint lines on the right side become visible well before the left side, so I assume the water is less shallow on the right.

My initial thought was that this front does in fact look better than their recent designs, but it’s also still ugly. The interior is just pure awful.

I often miss the weird stuff with the teeth and hands because the eyes always freak me out. A lot ofstaring into your soul’ vibe form these videos. 

For those who don’t know, virtually all construction standards date back many decades, then pieces have gotten added/modified over time. Since the vast majority of standards do not need to change decade to decade, there’s no reason to be re-writing entire code books like a college textbook trying to juice their

Looks like they’re trying to find every excuse to avoid the incoming wave of warranty claims. 

Wrong Vancouver. There is a Vancouver, Washington that is on the south side of Washington state, right by Portland.

Wrong Vancouver. There is a Vancouver, Washington that is on the south side of Washington state, right by Portland.

overall how ethically corrupt are corporate boards?

How many people go to Disney exclusively for any property? I figured most people went simply because it’s Disney and for the overall experience. It’s definitely one of those bragging rights things in the suburbs where people really like to casually tell me how much we need to just go at least once. None of them have a

They don’t care until there are sufficient complaints. I have clients with utility easements that occasionally have to get homeless people removed from them and sometimes it can take a very long time before cops do anything.

That’s kind of only true for guns, so far. Once a few rivers caught on fire we got the EPA, enough lead issues and it got removed from most products, big cities used to have a constant fog of pollution until we got emissions requirements, and so on. America’s government is set up to be reactionary, which has its pros

Keep your fucking hands on the wheel and this doesn’t happen.

Safety testing is for commies. In America, we release whatever we want until it kills a sufficient number of the correct people in order to address such concerns. 

I was teenager buying a car from some old dude. We put it up on a jack so I could look underneath after my test drive and make sure nothing was leaking, but didn’t pull the hand break or block the tires. As I was looking around, I started to hear gravel crunching and noticed the car slowly moving. Got my hands on the

Yes, I think all the major manufacturers gave raises after that contract. It’s part of why the UAW is doing a good job of trying to get in with them and could actually be successful. It was a clear attempt to match the UAW, but now the UAW can try to convince the workers to be part of that instead of hoping someone

But other noise is gone, too

Very much this. I had an early gen Samsung Gear that I really liked before the battery basically died and then I discovered how difficult it was to replace the battery. I found a Garmin Vivoactive 4 on sale for $175 and can’t imagine going back. In addition to your list, it also feels much lighter. I personally think

Can’t wait to meet a Cybertruck driver with a tattoo that says “all electrons no brakes”