
I don’t particularly like any car’s version of that. Subaru is probably the best one I’ve used because it feels much less stiff than others, but I still almost always keep it off. It’s most bothersome that I feel like they all want to get closer to the dashed lines than they do the solid outside line, when I’d much

more like costs

To be fair, Toyota had one of the worst assisted cruise control systems. The last rental I got was a 2023 and wasn’t nearly as bad, but it may have had to do with it being a pretty open freeway cruise. Every other regular brand does a better ACC though. 

Is there another big R-rated comic movie outside of Deadpool to call it a trend

The actual best time to work out is when you’re willing & able to, especially if the goal is to fight obesity. Just like how the best form of exercise (lifting, running, sport, etc) is the one you like most, because then you actually do it! A mixture of weight resistance training and cardio activity is the ideal, but

Looks like someone got to you before I could state my hope that Elon get eaten by bears, but at least you get it now.

A bunch of small counties across Texas & Oklahoma did that too. The purpose of the declaration is just to open up funding & modify DOT permits, which in this case is for loads of extra tow trucks, highway cops, altering permits (if needed) for stuff like extra grocery/fuel deliveries, denying lane closures for roadway

I’m pretty sure those cheating years were something like 2010 - 2015, so definitely not dieselgate. Also, I think these old diesels got ~40 MPGs, so that spewing is still more efficient than most modern cars on the road today.

It’s kind of nice that Elon screwed that up. Let another BEV brand come to market for more options (and actually put a little pressure on American brands). I also grew up with friends with parents that worked at that old Mitsu plant Rivian uses now, so there’s definitely some bias that I want it to succeed there. 

Doom uses magic for his power, so it makes his uses way more flexible. He also has a personal history with Reed, so it gives him that Magneto vibe of the old friend who became a rival. Then there is the way he ends up running a small nation and they can plan with the geopolitics of what he can do in his country and

At least in this case, those 2 actually sued him first, so maybe his fellow sociopaths have learned. 

Most definitely. I’ve done a lot of utility work for new developments and they pretty much just buy as much as they can and then use that, so there is the occasional neat hold out with a totally different little property surrounded by a new subdivision. Lots of suburban roads to nowhere. Those are actual professional

I posted this elsewhere, but yes, a private company can take people’s land:

Private entities regularly complete eminent domain takes if they can prove they are providing a public good. Pipelines, electrical companies, and railroads all do it, just not impacting the size of land as this project. Don’t forget that ~40% of voting Americans really love the idea of private companies owning public

When a dealer keeps a car as a loaner and then sells it, can’t they still sell it as new with warranty? I thought that was the norm for multi-year old cars or discontinued models that get sold “new” later on, typically at a huge discount. It’s like getting an off-lease car with new car warranty/rates.

That’s what I was wondering. Did Giz get a Kotaku similar order to make 50 How To posts a week, so now they’re on the way out? 

Due to the real-life levels of stupid that cohabitate the internet, you always need the /s or risk what just happened

I don’t know if they were the first people, but I believe they were the first union that got bombed. The national guard has teamed up with local police to smash unions for as long as workers have been trying to organize. A basic side effect when government is controlled by the wealthy, who also happen to control all

Cruise Ship Abandons 9 Passengers On African Island After Tour Overruns

That’s my first thought with basically everything like these. It’s no different than how radio shows use fake caller recordings to get drama on the radio. There is no second date or roses for cheaters. It’s just a bunch of college theater majors making stacks of recordings for $10/hr so they can get distributed across