
If I have to keep it for decades, then it would probably be a Lexus GX. I’m not looking to spend most of those decades doing maintenance and that’s probably the most comfortable I’ll be in the Toyota family.  

Too bad this probably won’t mean that Teams will bring back their Contact List option. The People option on new Teams is fucking garbage and I hate how awful Teams is at running a basic contact list of customized categories. 

This and the Gen 3 Camaro were my first 2 thoughts. Good looking cars from eras where manufacturers didn’t know how to make good power while meeting emissions requirements. 

We should be fine.

Yup. I’ve bought a variety of new cars and all of them offered those plans. I did some quick napkin math in front of the first few and they would save maybe ~$100 off the total cost, but cost anywhere from $1000-$1200 up front and that wasn’t including the always common oil change coupons out there. They tried to

That was my first thought. These all feel crazy high for economy car leases, except for maybe the BEV leases. However, assuming that lease was 36 months, you really paid $433/mo, accounting for down payment. All of those header prices include the price of the down payment spread across the lease time, so they may not

Because they contribute to a very sadly large amount of our country’s electorate.

The van market kind sucks now. Those Sienna Hybrids are by far the best option with the 36+ MPGs and Toyota deals know it. 

A robot picking up eggs, such a revolutionary advancement in robotics. High school robotics clubs everywhere are amazed.

Remember when Elon showed us all a person in a costume and called it a robot? How about the video showing off the Tesla driving by itself in a parking lot that was actually being controlled by a person? Don’t forget basically every single claim made about the hyper tunnel things and the cyber truck. I’m sure there most

About to change this website to Gristmodo. These Grist re-posts are by far the best regular content that’s been published in years, so I think I’ll just visit there instead.

There are dozens of us!

If it’s mostly financed and on sub 48-month terms, hitting $1000/mo is really easy with modern pricing. A $50k vehicle with $5k down will hit that at 0% interest (after taxes & such).

You really think politicians have no idea how a bill that gets voted on is going to go? Most of them have a very strong notion of what will happen, especially if they are on the committees reviewing the bill. The public only knows what political reporters are telling them and there can be tons of bias in that

Outside of the image washing, they’ve spent the last decade trying to diversify the sources of their wealth. Buying a sports team is a lot like buying real estate. It doesn’t always pop, but it is generally a very safe place to put a ton of money, while the occasional investment explodes in value. They took Aramco

Money for him and a select few. Buy a dying asset, squeeze out every ounce of revenue in the cheapest way possible until it dies, then sell the husk to someone else. The balance sheets will make it look like everything was a loss, but that ignores the reason those losses occur is because whoever financed the grave

Sounds like there should just be more articles about how politicians should be banned from stock trading while in office. 

Exactly this. Anyone who knows a lot of veterans will probably give this guy a pass, expecting that he may have needed to scam them this way because they weren’t taking care of him like recruiters love to tell teenagers they will. He may have just been plainly scamming them, but I know very few vets who speak well abou

I feel like trims like Denali, Kind Ranch, & High Country are really what killed Buick in that realm. With how you can option an “economy” and how low entry level luxury vehicles have gotten, there really isn’t a market for companies like Buick anymore.

I have multiple coworkers with a Stinger, Equus, used King Ranch, or similar for that very reason.