
Cars don’t have to pass crash tests to be legal, pretty sure they just have to get crash tested (even that depends on the year manufactured). Last I checked, it is legal to sell a car that is terrible at every crash standard, so long as design stuff like the headlights, mirrors, etc. are included as required.

I’m still genuinely curious the last time you shopped the 3-row vehicle market. I got an Atlas in 2021, when incentives still existed, and the low 30s was basically the entry point for minivans and 3-row SUVs then. It’s been many years since an SUV like the EV9 could be had in the low 30s as spec’d

this vehicle should only Cost $30k at most

Pretzels are pretty awesome though, so I could live with that a lot more than the Hoopeston Cornjerkers. Southern IL gets pretty wild too, with the Appleknockers, Midgets, and Orphans.

Also true. It is very enjoyable when things like that can be mixed up for modern joy. I know of a church that has a private room for people to try on clothes meant for different  genders so people can privately try different styles and see what makes them happy. I usually chuckle when other churches protest them

That was before my time, but we played them in a few sports. I had a coach from the area with a shirt with the old mascot name and he’d always wear it when we played them. Some kids were embarrassed by it, but I think that’s mostly because others were proud of it. 

People hate Fox and Fox likes Russia so Russian hate is being fueled by Fox hate? I’m just tossing lawn darts here.

This just seems like a list of the cars that are technically available for under $30k (I’m pretty sure they almost all spec out over that though) 

Pekin, Illinois had the Chinks as their high school mascot until ~1980. The physical mascot was a guy & girl who dressed in Chinese attire and called themselves the Chink & Chinklette. All of this, despite virtually no Asians living in the community at the time. People just associated the town name with Peking, China

To be fair, I don’t think it’s possible to find any old American tradition that wasn’t either founded on racism or had long standing racist practices, but it is interesting to see the weird ways that impacted things still popular today. A certain dance style become a nationwide mandate because a rich racist confused

These cases go anywhere from cops not interviewing anyone and nothing happening up to finding people that anyone would have talked to along with texts/emails from the time of the incident (see the recent Majors case). It helps if there are records of calls/texts/emails from the date of the incident from anyone

To be fair to GM, I’m certain they still could have had their batteries catch on fire and require a nationwide recall for them, had they stuck to the EV1 decades ago.

I know this answer defeats the purpose of this segment, but just finishing school and starting a new job is a terrible time to buy a new car (unless your college car is a POS). Sounds more like they just want something different to show off their new social/financial status. There are a lot of changes the first few

The 27-year-old woman will now face three months of summary probation after the crash in Palm Springs

Mel Tucker was even more dumb than regular harassment, he was harassing the person whose job is to tour major college sports programs and try to teach the athletes about not harassing women. He did so via text message too. 

Stellantis having 3 different brands in the top 10 is pretty on brand too.

Dodge, as a brand, is 4th overall. This is by make and not model. 

This right here is where I don’t get that upset about Biden getting back in office. Regardless my opinion of him, the cabinet and appointments by Biden versus anything the GOP would use have very tangible impacts on us all.

They probably had a list of potential replies for guilty, not guilty, and mistrial that had all been vetted by legal. They were already re-writing some things and moving directors, so it’s not like Disney hasn’t been preparing.

So much this. Kang has shown to be as deadly as Loki, aka not a Thanos level threat. Thanos first real screen time was after he beat Thor, killed Loki, and then whipped Hulk like he was in a sparring match. Kang needed to kill at least some of the Antman family and then leave the Quantum realm to be on the same plain